China holds massive military parade, to cut troop levels by 300,000

BEN BLANCHARD Sep 3rd 2015 5:44AM

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just another sign their economy sucks. foot soldiers in china are nothing other than bullet magnets. expendable and simply designed to waste the other sides resources. by cutting 300,000 they save a few billion off the budget...

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And now china forgot that america did a hell of lot of fighting in china to win that war.

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Chinese Military 2.3Million with approximately only 1Million firearms, while the US has 2Million 2nd Amenders with over 300Million firearms.

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derralh Reply to reginatorw


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reginatorw Reply to derralh

@derr - What's this? An intelligent and factually based rebuttal?

No, just another poser wasting the internet space

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bak15143 Reply to reginatorw

Uh, Kung Fu?

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Emilio Paletta

Once upon a time
Emilio Paletta Author

Once upon a time in the Fiefdom of Dingleberry, King Longjohns wanted to go fishing.

He called the royal weather forecaster, Sir Pantsalot and inquired as to the weather forecast for the next few hours.

The weatherman assured him there was no chance of rain in the coming days.

So the king went fishing with his wife, the former Maid Margarine. Along the way he met Squire Dumpty who was riding on his donkey, Ah-Choo. Upon seeing the king the farmer said, "Your Majesty, you should return to the palace at once, in just a short time I
expect a huge amount of rain to fall in this area".

King Longjohns was polite and considerate, he replied: "I hold the palace meteorologist in high regard. He is an extensively educated and experienced professional. Besides, I pay him very high wages. He gave me a very different forecast. I trust him and will continue on my way."

However, a short time later a torrential rain fell from the sky. The King
and Queen were totally soaked and their entourage chuckled upon seeing them in such a shameful condition.

Furious, the king returned to the palace and gave the order to fire the
weatherman at once!

Then he summoned Squire Dumpty and offered him the prestigious and high paying role of royal forecaster.

The farmer said, "Your Majesty, I know nothing about weather forecasting, I obtain my information from this jackass.
If I see his ears drooping, it means with certainty there will be rain."

With that, King Longjohns’ hired the Ah-Choo.

So you see, the practice of hiring a jackass to occupy the highest and most influential position in the land, as most believe, didn't begin with the Barak Obama.

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reginatorw Reply to Emilio Paletta

@Emilio - Prose that smells of drivel is still a drivelous prose.


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countcianosez Reply to Emilio Paletta

LMQO! Wonderful parody!! Great job! Bravo!

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wouldve been a good time to help them reduce their military and the leader as he rode down thru the parade in that limo one big one dropped in the middle of it all wouldve been all it wouldve taken , missed opportunity again

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And our President does nothing and is allowing Iran to police themselves and tell us they are not developing nuclear weapons. How naïve, shallow, anti American and pseudo-intellectual our "President" now is. The massive, massive damage he has done to our economy, our healthcare system and our place in the world. Every decision he has made has hurt the US and cumulatively is bringing us to our knees. WE are becoming equal to others by dragging us down. He is a Muslim Marxist, not by what he says, but by what he has done.

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terick4576 Reply to maxdurch99

68 consecutive months of private sector job industry saved...millions more American have health care insurance...bin laden dead...yeah, this guy totally blows!!

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Grumpy Grump

China is reducing their military. Budget cuts. Their economy has slowed down. Of course, our military industrial complex doesn't want us to cut the military budget so they will have to ramp up the fear and war mongering to scare us. Their lobbyists will be working on the congress. More money will be going into elections and pockets.

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Communist China... The Republican wet dream of what they want to be when they grow up.

March till you're fired.

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Mao murdered and raped young girls to the tune of 80 million and they still have that perv's picture in the 'T Square' and on their money. When people are so weak they honor those who killed their families, they are dangerous. They have no moral compass. I'm NOT talking about Chinese citizen's, I'm talking about their leaders. Chines citizen's have no say on anything. They I support. Their president can go have a 'Country Buffet' (great food by the way) before he eat's in the WH. He might be worth a $7.99 lunch but NOT a $100.00 a pound Kobi beef! Have a blessed day!

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Oh please...........They will meet in Washington later for "talks". Will O'bama take time out of his Globe Trotting and fly in for an hour - to TALK? Sure makes me feel safe......................

Cutting 300,000 in China is like cutting 300 in America.

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gee, i didnt know china won the war..... amazing

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Vimala Nowlis

America is still commemorating the D Day and Israel is still having their annual memorial to remember the victims of the Holocaust.
Why shouldn't China commemorate it's victory over Japan after Japan devastated China for decades and killed tens of millions Chinese?
Many Asian leaders went to Beijing for this celebration of VJ event and to remember their sufferings in the hands of Japan.
But America has chosen to make this into an anti-Chinese propaganda because America has adopted Japan as a foster son and has never stopped apologizing to Japan. This political ignorance is so sickening.

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Nice parade, mostly paid for by the people of USA.

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Why don't we just get the war we all know is coming started? We all know that we must face China sooner or later anyway. Besides what idiot would really believe that China had much to do with winning WW2 to begin with? The fact is that the Japanese had beaten them badly and if it were not for us they would not even be the ChiComm utopia that they seem to think they are.

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Hell even I can figure this out....Their money vault is much lower that it use to be so they have to cut corners anywhere they can......Nuffsaid!

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If it ever comes to it. We could cut their's and Russia's military by way more than 13%. That is if Obama is not permitted to continue his down grading of our military in weaponry, forcing our high ranking, good , great military leaders our, because of his poor leadership and failures, his lackies in congress cutting funding. Hopefully Obama's successor will bring it back to greatness, world respect and feared by our enemies as has always been the case, because we will need them soon with Iran, ISIS and others and not with Benghazi Hillary, the current likes of Hanoi Jane!

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The United States had a bigger role in defeating the Japanese in China than China. The United States has a bigger role in the success of Chinese economy than the Chinese.

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Notice how the black leader elite wasn't invited?

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