China holds massive military parade, to cut troop levels by 300,000

BEN BLANCHARD Sep 3rd 2015 5:44AM

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China is not going to allow any nation to do what the Japs did to them in WWII like the rape of Nanking (Najing) or killing thousands with bubonic plague or sending their women to be prostitutes for their Army.

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duey35 Reply to tcan701

They did that to Korea too.

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people in this thread are cant make war with everyone....China is not a problem...they are one of the least religious nations in the world,,,and their religious people are buddhists, the most peaceful and righteous "religion" in the world....historically, they have one of the most beautiful cultures humans have ever created....This american loves China, and hopes and believes they would stand with the secular world against the cancerous scourge that is Islam

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Yet, if we ever think about even a semi serious military parade protests will arupt.

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look at the whiny misinformed fox viewers go!! haha you clownz just cant stop embarassing yourselves can you?!?!?!?!!?

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duey35 Reply to carpenter1

What did they do?

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Do the amateurs at AOL even read the dross they write? Everything was repeated twice.

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Why do you people assume they are making this statement to us (USA) seems much more probable that this is a statement to the islamic world, considering recent events...remember, China shares its western border with the islamic world, and they are predominantly secular buddhists...a religion with absolutely nothing in common with Islam....China will NOT accept a black sheet over the heads of its beautiful women

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quazachazed Reply to vicvaun36

Yeah, and they are building a wall of trees the west, claiming it is to keep out desert sands.

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This certainly shows the complete disciplined of the Chinese military and a variety of its waring power.

All this while this president allows drastic cutbacks in defense, and supports women, gays, and now transgenders in combat roles because of his claim of being politically correct.

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vicvaun36 Reply to imfrankjohn

What is wrong with gays or women serving in the military? women (warmaidens) regularly fought in ancient celtic armies....and gays fought for the greeks and not allow gays or women to fight for our homeland is to shame our ancestors (assuming you are of european ancestry, which I get the feeling you are)

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duey35 Reply to vicvaun36

Nobody wants to see a slap fight in the middle of a war zone.

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bak15143 Reply to imfrankjohn

Agreed. Is anyone else afraid for their lives? King O'Bama has done NOTHING to make me feel safe, in my own country - or even in my own home - or in a shopping mall - or a movie theatre - or on a school campus.

We should be pursuing Life, Liberty and Happiness. However, the legacy that King O'Bama is leaving is: Fear for our lives, lost liberties and unhappiness with the "job" he has done.

He still has one year left at the White House. Has he ever had a bi-yearly review? Has he ever been suspended for his racist views? Has he ever adhered to the laws,set forth by our country? Has he misused his authority for personal gain? How many "vacations" are permitted in his contract? And, I don't mean disguising them as "working" vacations.

King O'bama is the world's Greatest Pretender. Has he solved the problem with illegals? Does he have a solution to our veterans' issues?

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bak15143 Reply to bak15143

comments relate to imfrank.

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I am liking their red cross team. Sure hope they cut a bunch of them and send them to the US to study.....

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duey35 Reply to DespicableMe

Horndog you would get a look like the girl second from the left second row back she has a look of horror on her face.
Dude give it up you will never get laid.

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Oh it was China that defeated Japan?

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duey35 Reply to drscot

According to their history books,.,.,. um I mean propaganda books in schools.

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Millions of people forced by fear to participate in an army they couldn't care less about. Millions of people afraid of one fat kid. He has to go sleep some time, it's up to them to free themselves.

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duey35 Reply to Renee

Your thinking of N. Korea. Kim Jun Ill

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usa would still beat China's tailend hands down

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duey35 Reply to Rick

No we wouldn't. But I can tell you this, our hardware is far superior to theirs in fit and function. Whereas theirs will fail a higher percent of the time.

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bak15143 Reply to duey35

One of their greatest tools, is sacrifice. For the most part, the Chinese people don't value life like we do. Don't underestimate their allies support with weaponry.

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AOL forgot to mention the US victory over Japan.
China was defeated by Japan and it was the bravery of the Americans and those who lost lives flying supplies over the mountains to keep US forces supplied. China would still be a Japanese territory if it were not for the blood and sacrifice of American servicemen.

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duey35 Reply to llhuberarchitect

Many people do not remember history unless it was yesterday.

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ML Reply to duey35

liberals wish to re-write it

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dkalasek Reply to llhuberarchitect

I was thinking the same thing. I remember seeing pictures of the Japanese surrendering to the U.S. on a U.S. warship after we dropped two atomic bombs on them.

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chuck powell

might as well cut back their army they don't use it world wide for govt freebies like the USA does

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if you believe anything that the Chinese say you are extemely naive

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They are almost ready.

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maybe they shouldn't they should come on board and come in for the win against north Korea.

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worried man

They will have a much better military than the US all thanks to the greedy corporation who have made us buy cheap Chinese goods ...they have lots of our money now !!~

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bak15143 Reply to worried man

we are so screwed.

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worried man

We need to have a display of power. We should fly 1000 F15s across the US southern borders because the next war will be with Mexico

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Let's Hope that this group of people can be leaders in the development of a world with Peace. Hey, we can dream

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You can believe the Chinese if you want to...

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