The 3.6 million-year-old footprints that reveal how our ancient male ancestors had more than one mate at a time

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CIetus .
Nothing tops the "Russians hacked the election" hoax.
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It proves nothing of the kind.
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"...... one dominant male mating with several females....." ===== What's changed?
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Maybe they were daughters? Archaeologists can be incredibly dense.
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MiskeenaReply toganjman19
Wife, daughters, mother.
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That give insight into the romantic lives of exactly no one.
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Could have been his mother and sisters and/or his female companion, right? Why assume he had a harem?
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JanerReply toenoon
Well said! It's not exactly a scientific conclusion as you can't tell age or DNA from a footprint in stone!
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CyKosisReply toenoon
Because harems are prevalent throughout the animal kingdom. It's reasonable assumption to make, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's right. If you want an impartial view on the subject, might I suggest you go and read something a little more reputable than the DM? Perhaps you could read the article in on the Nat Geo website, where the suggestion that these prints were left by one gorilla-like group are fairly roundly denounced...
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Stop ScaremongeringReply toenoon
In mammal species that exhibit significant sexual dimorphism where the males are much larger than the females the males tend to have harems as is the case with gorillas. If the interpretation of these footprints is correct and the males of this species were much larger than the females then it is a safe bet that they had harems. This is the point that you appear to have missed @enoon this assumption is based solely on the size difference between the sexes, it doesn't matter how these specific individuals may have been related to each other.
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It's a bit of a leap to start making assumptions about their sex lives. I walked across a zebra crossing the other day with 2 blokes and 4 women. I'm not sleeping with any of them.
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kirstenReply toTopcoates
Agreed,because it's a massive assumption,to say they know the ins and outs,so to speak,of their actually sexual activity.
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bip.chickReply toTopcoates
The people who make these determinations are experts in the field of archaeology. They have years of experience studying the history of the human being. Their conclusions are based on knowledge the average DM reader wouldn't and couldn't comprehend thus all of the i.gnorant comments on this story. These archaeologists know way more than all of you i.diots.
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So marriage, one woman for one man, isnt the enslavement of women, its the enslavement of men. Its men that take the hit to their nature to be monogamous.
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stinkpipeReply toquark7
It still works out better for men on average. Polygamous societies tend to be more backward than monogamous ones.
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I know someone like that.
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That Guy
Is this before Enki got to work then?
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vikram khan
Did not know that Is lam is that old...
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Move Along Cat Dong
"Dominant male?" Oh, someone's looking to get into a fight with the Feminists.140742
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Maybe he was a stone age Benny Hill.
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Complete nonsense, the only thing revealed here is that Australopithecus afarensis may have had toejam.
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Why assume they were his mates? Could have been mum, wife, mum in law and grown up daughter. There!!!!
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Mick Jagger's footprints.
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Ye really usefull.
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Maybe he was taking his sister and her friends to the movies.
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Not much different than today
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This is getting more like The Sunday Sport every day.
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