Are aliens hidden in ancient religious artwork? Bizarre theory claims that signs of early visits from ET can be found in old paintings

MailOnline Reporter

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UFO hunters are bound to see a UFO in everything from toast to a painting.
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Invinceble TruthReply toLolaBean
They Have To Make some Money..
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garyReply toLolaBean
Just like religious people see Jesus's face in a yoghurt or a dogs ar$e
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Water GlassReply toLolaBean
The question here is What do you believe?
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AlexandraReply toLolaBean
Surprised the paintings of Bosch weren't mentioned.
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blocksofReply toLolaBean
Don't know some restaurants serve up UFO, uneatable food objects.
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to be perfectly honest... although UFOs are all fanciful and speculative they are likely more realistic than religion and god is
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bigKev6977Reply tobigKev6977
its true.. theres no god ... ffs
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Ancient civilisation always depicted things " beings coming down from the stars " they interpreted as holy . Look where we are !! Outside this bubble is an infinite universe wake up!! 200 years ago nobody knew of technology now we know that it's all possible and getting better ...there are ancient civilisations out there that are using superior technology to us and they are here observing our progress, there's evidence all over the world of this .you are not here by chance.
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mrmark1977Reply togolferman
Of course the possibility exists we've been visted. And there must be trillions upon trillions to one chance that aliens don't exist. And of course you are correct, we only made such great technological advances in the past 200 years that previously we wouldn't have dreamed of, that would have seemed like magic, and who knows what humans will understand in the future.But the distances between even the closest stars are unbeliveably huge. One thing we're sure of, is there's not a traffic jam of alien ships orbiting in a queue outside out clearly, even with trillions of advanced aliens in this universe, it's still not an easy task to travel such great distances.Unfortunately, despite the fact there's technology we can't even dream of yet, stuff that would blow our minds, if we were even alive to see it in the future, we will always be restricted by the laws of physics.
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DaveResnamReply togolferman
Mr Mark If you control quantum mechanics you control space and time so moving around the galaxy or even the universe would take seconds.
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I don't believe in ghosts but aliens I do something had happened I once seen some very strange bright orbs moving about in that Lake District in 1998 will never forget it and all 3 of us saw the same thing !!
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felixReply tostuh0479
Did the three orbs remove your ability to use punctuation?
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bigenglanderReply tostuh0479
May have been Farron and his Lib dems
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SoccerislifeReply tostuh0479
You're a Brit so yeah...
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cheeky1973Reply tostuh0479
Well im convinced now. Bright orbs in the lake district. Ok, its a place with high mountains and hills and where the RAF are known to fly, but orbs are orbs. Im sold
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Null-it-allReply tostuh0479
'Soccer' somehow the aliens always seem to put them back down in Ameria . . .
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If you believe we are the only life in the universe when our solar system is not even the size of a golf ball to the earth.... well please go back under the rock you hail from
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George P. BurdellReply toJetcitymc
I think you have your simile reversed. Either way you would need a comparable for "is to a golf ball". If the Sun were the size of a golf ball then the diameter of the orbit of the outer planets would be about 265 metres.
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RealistReply toJetcitymc
It would be incredible if we were the only life in something so mind numbingly vast as our galaxy let alone the observable universe. Furthermore given that vast size it would be astounding if any extrateresrial life had evolved to our level or above at the same time and close enough to contact us through radio waves. It would then be staggering if any such Aliens had found us among the billions of stars and also found a way to defy the laws of physics in order to get here.
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No madder than the standard truth claims of christianity or any orher religion
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I'm more likely to believe in Aliens and advance tech than I am 'IT WAS GOD MAGIC!'
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It's believable.. I kinda feel like all the "Gods" ppl worshipped in the past were actually aliens that visited our planet b4 our time.. Guess we'll never know.
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Im Outraged
Aliens are real and are amongst us - not that it matters, we can't do anything about it.
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TRUMP 2016
Well several of those are clearly UFOs. You'd have to be blind to not see them.
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Ancients on all continents made cave paintings of 4-legged animals like a child might, ie not 3D but 2D - flat with four legs one behind the other .... what does that Peruvian hill carving really show? Yes helicopters, men in spacesuits, astronauts with fire shooting out behind them .... HOW could they have drawn such clear representations of things if they did not see them??? They were not writing movie scripts were they? So what do we have now? an alien base hidden in plain sight under the Antarctic? that would certain explain a lot of things - as they could pop in and out at will - and the naive human race keeps looking into space to find them ha ha. They must be laughing their heads off.
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Anything can be anything, if you try hard enough.
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They have been coming here for centuries, just because we weren't born then doesn't mean to say they weren't here, they're probably still here. There are theories of lost civilisations who were much more advanced than we are now. There is several documentaries on this regarding the pyramids.
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How can you deny that there is something unidentified and flying in the air on the madonna painting ?? Theres a guy looking up at it
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ufcknockout101Reply tothatsthewayshegoes
ever wondered how similar religious stories are to alien mythologies!?
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Doubters read Genisis 6
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MecurialReply tosuperblanik
I'd rather wipe my ar8e with it.
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BARGETReply tosuperblanik
Iv'e searched the Bible from beginning to end and can't find Genisis anywhere!
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CoramDeoReply tosuperblanik
@Barget. It's nowhere near Phil. or Col. if that helps. Just back up 50 books.
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ApatheistReply tosuperblanik
Actually, read Ezekiel. Pretty clear description by a technologically immature person of a helicopter like craft. Read it with that thought in mind.That said, beware of translation. The section on the lost Ark (as in Indiana Jones, not Noah) refers to golden haemorrhoids - clearly a polite version of "piles of gold".
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Read God is an Astronaut by Erich Von Daniken.
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MecurialReply toasinine
If you have any intelligence at all please don't.
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BARGETReply toasinine
You would be much better off reading Jean Paul Sartre.
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just watch Ancient Aliens - its full of theology - very interesting and lots of hypothesis of the possibility
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But find Christ's face in toast or a tree stump, and its all of a sudden holy and real.
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Apparently they don't show Ancient Aliens in the UK.
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Invinceble TruthReply toKernal
You Should Watch The BBC.
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madam arcartiReply toKernal
Yes they do on H2
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If you think about how we got here, it's hard to get your head round. We were probably dumped here by aliens lol whether you believe in them or not though, there's something magical about our exsistence and the universe.
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