Are aliens hidden in ancient religious artwork? Bizarre theory claims that signs of early visits from ET can be found in old paintings

MailOnline Reporter

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Arthur Fraynberg
The B rainwashed who want to believe are out in force as usual. They are told to believe by the incessant propaganda in the media, and so they obey. To explain the "Alien Phenomenon" and the ideas the converted propagate for this new religion, look up the videos "William Cooper - NASA B S Life on Mars (Full Length)" and "Bill Cooper Alien Agenda". All predicted 25+ years ago. The establishments got a hoax threat, and a new religion to create. A new religion, so it will be based on Genesis which goes like this. God creates man and the angels. 200 Angels rebel and descend to earth 33 degrees from the equator on Mount Hermon when they see the hot women. They have children with the women, the giants, who together with their fathers c orrupt man, c annibalise man, make war, and teach the secrets of heaven/the mysteries against the will of god. So god sends a flood. Here is how the "alien" story is developing so far........
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Arthur FraynbergReply toArthur Fraynberg
Good aliens from Mars (that's where they'll claim they're from) symbolically fall to earth (fallen angels) 33 degrees from the equator in Roswell, and teach the secrets of "Alien" technology from above to the Ruling class and scientific Priests of Area 51. They'll even give you alien sex and their sons in the form of Alien human Hybrids, as they already have in the Jeffrey Alan Lash B S establishment's media story. Next they'll claim the bad aliens (god) are directing asteroids to our oceans to create a flood, and that the story of genesis was the same, alien gods created us, and bad aliens sent a flood, and that now they're back for the flood Mk 2 because the imaginary good aliens are helping us again. A new religion and a new bogeyman world government creating hoax threat in one. Theyll put on a good show, mega faIse fIag asteroid impacts. And show us "Aliens", who will be b Iack project androids. To sell transhumanism they'll say to be in the new gods image, we must become machines.
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Or of course they could just be mental flights of fancy by the artists? Nope sorry that's far too boringly sensible isn't it
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Julius Nepos
Hi everyone. Just to let you know I'm ready to have sex now.
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I am the sun of god
Luckily it is all only a conspiracy. Those lights in the sky were definitely moving weird, must of been Chinese lanterns, staying stationary for 20 minutes, yes only chinese lanterns do that, thank lucifer.
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I just dropped a deuce that looks like the Millennium Falcon. What does that mean???
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RealistReply tostloocardsfan
You didn't fall asleep at a party did you?
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sallyReply tostloocardsfan
It means you need an imodium.
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John Verity
No. Next question.
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Mike Soler
I thought I saw a UFO during the evening in my garden.....turned out it was an illuminated zeppelin
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Seriously this has to be someone taking the hug and kiss on an industrial scale. I refuse to believe that anyone is this dumb.
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Wonderful art works. As history moves from religion to science as the driving force in society, some people just cannot let go of religious fantasy and resort to more fantasy to bring their irrational beliefs into accord with reality. Let it go, folks.
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Bizarre theory that has come up every year for at least the past 40 years. Give it a rest.
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I love how "alt-right" news becomes mainstream news about 8 years after the fact. MSM behind the curve, as usual.
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Von Daneken wrote about all this rubbish back in the 70's . Catch up DM!
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Invinceble TruthReply toSue
He Admitted Falsifying Documents and His Books Were All Full Of Lies.
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Judy DollReply toSue
He also stole ideas and plagiarised a French authors work. He was also a N a z i.. Very reputable
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There has been a tv show parading as "history", with more or less the same theory.
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js46358Reply toOIFVet
well technically a painting from 1700's is history.
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Daily Mail, you are totally freaking nutz0id. End of.
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Please put the pipe down now.
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PpReply tonewberry09
...naw man. Keep hitting the pipe. This crap is nice clean laughs. Better than politics and Kardashians anyway.
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It's the time of year for old chestnuts.
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Anyone would think that modern generations have the monopoly on mind-bending drugs.
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if its a bizarre theory not based in fact why write an article about it? ....typical dm
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Erm, no.
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