China aims for manned moon landing by 2036


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Hard Core

Been there. Done that.

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They want to go to the moon with the hope that one day they will be able to populate the moon too? like cockroaches and rodents, if you sent a pregnant female you will soon have a billion+ of them.

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Nothing gets through the Firmament ................But thanks for the laughs.

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CptSnarkReply toWilliam


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Good luck with that. China can't make a f##in thing that works.

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Great, the ch!nks will put a big 9 dash line around the moon and call it theirs.

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Jeff Allen

"China wants to put astronauts on the moon by 2036, a senior space official said, the latest goal in China's ambitious lunar exploration program."

If the PRC had announced this initiative seven years earlier, B. Hussein Obama could have allowed them to use the same Hollywood sound-stage to film their "moon-landing" that Kennedy and Johnson used to stage their "moon-landings"...

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CptSnarkReply toJeff Allen

The ignorance runs deep in this one.

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So China will be the FIRST to put a man on the moon.

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Old Guy

Now they want to claim the moon as part of China.

Too late, we were there first. Our flag flies on the moon. You can't have it.

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the u.s. better get off its dead #$%$ and get to the moon and mars and stake a claim before these other countries that don't like us. instead, we pour money into the war machine.

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U.S.are betters.

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China greeded, it will be Chinese colony 2037!

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James A

Been there ,Done that....Next

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What they going to do?? Pick up the junk we left there...??

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Unwash Your Brain

after breeding China into poverty, them Chinese want to DESTROY THE MOON too ?!

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I see the chinese don't have a muslim outreach program like nasa. It's great to someone is serious about space exploration. We certainly aren't.

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Professor Crater

good luck!

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Unwash Your Brain

"WHY ?"

they need to place some NUKES on the Moon to protect South China sea conquest

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Unwash Your Brain

China plans COSMIC COLONIZATION after South China conquest

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“Olber’s Paradox” states that if there were billions of stars which are suns the night sky would be filled completely with light. As Edgar Allen Poe said, “Were the succession of stars endless, then the background of the sky would present us a uniform luminosity, since there could exist absolutely no point, in all that background, at which would not exist a star.” In fact Olber’s “Paradox” is no more a paradox than George Airy’s experiment was a “failure.” Both are actually excellent refutations of the heliocentric spinning ball model.

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CptSnarkReply toRobert

Olber did not know how big the universe was, or comprehend the inverse square rule.

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considering travel to the moon is impossible and China's CGI is terrible lets not hold our breath. The moon and Sun are the same size and distance from Earth at about 5-6000 miles away and within a firmament. It can not be reached!

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CptSnarkReply toRobert

You and William need to get together.

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CptSnarkReply toRobert


According to Pythagorus the firmament begins just beyond Saturn.

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