Magical moment a young deaf girl's dreams come true when Tinkerbell talks to her with sign language during a trip to Disney World

James Gordon For

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Good on Disney. That was very touching. For those complaining it's an ad, so what? This is how they let people know.
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Sig language should be on the curriculum for primary school children.
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BillReply toMaedusa
Why? I have a fairly big group of friends and acquaintances and not one of them is deaf, it's a bit like seeing Braille on lifts, buses etc. when apparently only 3% of blind people can read Braille
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Very sweet story, but really more of a Disney commercial. Still much better than anything to do with a Kardashian, though.
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Gorden is a Moran
Simply magical - I have tears in my eyes!
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Mousehole mermaid
What a wonderful thing to read. I had a huge smile on my face but also a tear running down my cheek.
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MateyReply toMousehole mermaid
Me too!
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Well done Disney
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What a wonderful and heart warming article.
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Heart melting wow
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What a great story.
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Much nicer than being continually bombarded by the WK's India tour
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Well done Tinkerbell.
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Disney do a lot for seriously ill and disabled kids. My kids still talks about his week in Florida over 15 years ago. Have a look at how Give Kids the World came about, that will bring a tear to your eye.
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Max - Cheshire
Beautiful moment
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I'm genuinely curious what it would be like to be the hearing daughter in a family that's entirely deaf. Talk about an easy job as an interpreter later in life but just a cool skill to have and I wonder what it would be like. Loved this story. So glad that the characters are able to do this. Fantastic.
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Catnip22Reply toDarling070
They're called CODA's or children of Deaf adults and they're just like any other kid except they know 2 languages and socialize in the Deaf community as well as the hearing community.
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David K
There is a lot wrong with America but things like this is what makes them so's wonderful but not a great surprise as they do know how do do customer satisfaction.
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Excellent! I've been saying for around 25 years that signing should be compulsory for teachers. If they learn it right at the beginning of teachers' training college (PGCE, not university) then they'll have mastered it to a very good standard when they get into schools. All lessons should be signed from the first year at school so that children learn sign language automatically - there is still a stigma attached to deafness and it would do a great deal to remove it if ALL children could easily communicate with each other.
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We should all know how to say hello and my name is.... In sign language me thinks. Should be fought at school. Would be great to learn it
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Great story Brought a tears to my eye
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