China wants to land on Mars by 2021: Top official at the country's space agency reveals plans for mission to the red planet

Ryan O'Hare for MailOnline

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China cannot be trusted as a friend, they will have hidden motive to take control and instead of becoming partner they will take full control and that investment become theirs. Just one good example, North Korea...whatever said about NK behind the scene they are the main sponsor for all activities in NK.
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Wouldn't be surprised if they do it too. I have a mental picture of the US triumphantly returning to the Moon and when they open the door for the first time, after the necessary 'rest period', the first thing they find is a take-away menu for Mr Hong's Happy Crater Noodle Bar.
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Kinda surprised the greedy Chinese haven't already declared that Mars belongs to them. They seem to believe they can plunk down an artificial island in any sea they want and declare it all belongs to them.
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Denis BarreReply tojmatt
"All your base are belong to us".
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Did you ever consider the fact that we are such a diverse group that we may be able to do more than one thing at a time?Consider also, spreading out beyond the confines of this one spinning rock ball may BE what is needed to help with the problems here.
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China "robots" on Mars by 2021. They are finally catching up to what the US accomplished with Mariner and Viking in the 1970's. Big deal. Land a person on Mars and bring them back alive and healthy, that'd be a trick.
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Kriss Day
so first we give money to this country to grab our steel industry, not we're funding its colonial aspirations for Mars?
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So, Mars by 2021, eh? After Russia and the US have been there since the 1960s?
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Denis BarreReply toFresco
Russia? They never got to Mars successfully.
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Denis Barre
When Mars has been thoroughly terraformed and settled, will there be a "Flat Mars Society"?
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They better get busy stealing all thew US's mars plans without them they don't sand a chance.
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MrWorldCitizen1Reply toRaptor75
China already has the US's mars plans, along with every other plan/secret we have.
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username unavailable
Send them, send them all! Bye china!!
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Who's stolen technology will they be using?
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With a little help through us, wondered where the aid went
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No problem, all sorted as soon as camoron has allocated the money, sorry, I meant aid, to fund it.
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They just want some exotic Martian critters to mix into the Kung Pao.
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So how much aid do we send them?
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And they'll eat everything they come across..!!!!
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Spiny NormanReply toEverymanoftheworld
And then want some more.
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Ave Imperator
If someone who give us aid money we could have our own space programme too...
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But quite honestly, they have no chance!
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So our labels will go from MADE IN CHINA to MADE ON MARS.
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rex kars
Well this makes sense, after all they are the Red Chinese.
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