Moscow warns Holland of ‘grave consequences’ after Russian aircraft carrier forces Dutch submarine to flee when it detects it following its fleet in the Mediterranean

Hannah Al-othman For Mailonline

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Geri Atric
To other commenters - please stop taking the mick out of our little sub! We are very proud of it and polish it regularly - and we were high on spliffs at the time and got lost! It happens.
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A bit clumsy of the Dutch, but then Russia never shadows other nations' warships operating in international waters. Oh, hang on...
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Why is the DM scaremongering with false headlines - grave NAVIGATIONAL consequences. If your going to write trash at least get your story straight. Stop trying to start a war when they are doing the same as us, we all watch each other and perform tests so why are they a threat and not us?!!!
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Vadim Dmitriev
Russian MOD said "mogli perevesti k tyajelym navigacionnim proishestviyam", DM translated as could lead to grave consequences, when actually it is could lead to serious navigation accidents.
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RagingTeaPotReply toVadim Dmitriev
Don't worry Vadim, NATO will be under resourced and redundant soon enough. Bunch of political elites pushing their own agenda with their anti Russian rhetoric and propaganda, I just hope Theresa May doesn't drag the UK into it.
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