At least 77 people are killed and hundreds injured after powerful 7.8 earthquake strikes off the central coast of Ecuador, with tremors felt 300 miles away in Colombia

By Reporter

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Very sad for all these places that are suffering the Ring of Fire, it is very active with more than 6 big earthquakes in a week which normally would lead to an even bigger one.
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Where next ?
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DaveLongReply toSueQ
San Francisco.
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TooMuchLDLReply toSueQ
Turkey. A massive fault line goes right through it, and it's long overdue for a big one.
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milkybuttonsReply toSueQ
My money is on Japan again, in the bay underneath Osaka.
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And there shall be great earthquakes...
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LmgReply toMischabear
Indeed. Things are lining up.
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TooMuchLDLReply toMischabear
And tornadoes !!, and giant hailstorms, and snow, and rain, and ......
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LabyrinthReply toMischabear
And locusts with stingers..............haven't seen those yet, so relax.
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that's 5 earthquakes this week. More to follow.
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Grasshopper FarmerReply topaulzim
In the last 7 days there have been 322 earthquakes around the world exceeding magnitude 2.5, that includes the recent 11 in Ecuador. There are an average of 2.4 earthquakes per day in Oklahoma, about 4 times as many as California.
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Account ClosedReply topaulzim
A bit like buses ....
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This is terrible, my husband is Ecuadorean and we are flying out there on Wednesday for spring break :(
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Account ClosedReply toCherryBlossom18
Is that terrible because your spring break may have been ruined or terrible because Ecuador is experiencing a tragic disaster?
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CherryBlossom18Reply toCherryBlossom18
You're an idiot for even saying something like that. This hits home for us, we still don't know if any of my husband's family down there have been directly impacted. I've been to Ecuador before, it's a beautiful country with kind people and it's hurting us to see so much devastation. And yes it would suck for our spring break plans to be ruined because we are going down there to see family not to party!
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OMGUKReply toCherryBlossom18
Cherry blossom, i understand your pain. My husband is from the south of Ecuador, but has family in Quito and Guayaquil, and his mother has a prawn farm near Muisne - thank goodness she was not there when this happened. Have alovely trip - i am sure it will be bittersweet, and I hope everyone in your husbands family is safe and well. So shocking, especially when one has visited these places and knows them well.
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Another one 35 mins ago Mag4
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milkybuttonsReply toDanNy
That's nothing. It's only over about an upper six you to have to start worrying.
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Badabing Badaboom
Oh no. So sad.
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How does all the other stupid stories come before this!!!!!! Priorities daily mail really thats sad
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Perhaps the planet is getting tired of our pollution?
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I'm not religious, but multiple earthquakes, wars, mass movement of people. Isn't it all getting a bit weird?
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California will be next
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TooMuchLDLReply towhatthebosh
Could be Turkey - it shares a very nasty fault line with Iran.
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Sees Sense
We have had the seismologists forecasting many of these incidents to come, with particular ferocity as the tectonic plates readjust from around the world. Eucador yesterday, perhaps California later this month, next year - who knows. Just view the number of tectonic plates on this planet and read up on how the continents have shifted over the ages.
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TooMuchLDLReply toSees Sense
I can accurately predict that everyone will eventually die.
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In the end times the Bible say's in Matthew 24:7 'There will be famines & earthquakes.What with the signs also of the four blood moons we had in 2014 & 2015 in the Bible it say's the moon will turn blood red.Time is running out get yourselves right with the Lord Jesus,repent of your sins,ask God for forgiveness,tell him you believe he is the son of God & that he died for you on the cross,invite Jesus to come live inside your heart & you will be born again.Jesus will return any day now & the Angel of the Lord will sound the trumpet & Jesus will descend on a cloud through the portholes of the sky & in a blink of an eye the dead in Christ,those that believed in Jesus will rise up to meet him in the clouds,then those who are still alive on earth,won't have to die,but will rise up to be with him in the clouds & will live forever more in heaven for eternity.These believers that will be missing on earth will be the ones that are sin free,reading their Bibles,put God first .
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I142QReply toanon
There have been earthquakes since the beginning of time; massive earthquakes are as natural as spring rain.
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OHHellNoReply toanon
Natural is right, 10 inches of spring snow in Denver right now.
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surfnutReply toanon
Really? You live in 2016 and still believe that rubbish and let it rule your life? What a waste of an education...
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bearisterReply toanon
Are you a Republican candidate for POTUS?
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LabyrinthReply toanon
It also says that locusts with scorpion tails will come out of a bottomless pit to torment man. Have seen any of those yet? No? You can relax then.
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How sad for the people of Ecuador. It is a beautiful country. I know their government hates the USA but we must send them aid, rescue crews, and anything else they need right away. They don't have much down there and will need our help.
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Think the USA hate Ecuador - dont forget the president of Ecuador studied and travelled in the US, he just doesnt agree with them ripping off Ecuador for decades. But thanks fr the nice comments. Unfortunately a lot of people on the coast generally dont have too much. The cost of Ecuador, especially in the north are beautiful and the food is the best so shocking that this has happened, was just talking about muisne yesterday.
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The problem with quakes is we are all ensconced in concrete ... in the very old days houses were made from wood with thatched roofs .
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LabyrinthReply toRectinol
Yeah, and back when cities were largely made of wood buildings, earthquakes started citywide fires like in San Francisco 1904. The fires caused more deaths than the quake.
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Do individual earthquakes affect the tectonic plates around the world?
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david_hughes_uk2000Reply tobillsbag81
They do effect them yes, but not marginal enough to really notice a difference in 100s of years. even then we are only talking a mile or two at the most..
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Don't mess with Mother Nature.
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Dutchsinse has been talking about these movements for some time and that he's concerned that the West coast of the US hasn't as yet seen anything above a magnitude 4, given the fact that the whole pacific rim is moving. He's talked about Papua and Vanuatu, the Kyrill Islands North of Japan and then over towards Vancouver and down the West Coast. There are always earthquakes but where ever it seems to very quiet or as in the case of the Japanese volcanoes, they stop their normal daily eruption, then there's something going on and from his vast experience it's a HUGE warning sign. He works on the geological survey data as it comes in, he's worth following if you are in mining or an earthquake prone zone.
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cmcewan74Reply toHorseOfTheRisingSun
Dutchsinse is a buffoon, and his theories have been discredited numerous times by people who are better qualified in areas this charlatan claims to have specialised knowledge.
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milkybuttonsReply toHorseOfTheRisingSun
Buffoon or not, he said it was going to happen and it did. Which is more than those predictive seismologists are doing.
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