Magical moment a young deaf girl's dreams come true when Tinkerbell talks to her with sign language during a trip to Disney World

James Gordon For

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It just goes to show that a little bit of effort can produce such happiness and surprise, this little girl will remember that moment for the rest of her life - Nice
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roleyReply toconcerned
Well said
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Well that brought a 6 ft, 15 stone man to tears. Beautiful family.
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Djinn and Tonic
As a rough day draws to a close this story reminds me small kindnesses have a great power.
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The pure joy on that little girls face, ......wonderful.
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The staff member playing Tinkerbell deserves a medal. Well done to her - and to he Disney bosses - for being so thoughtful and innovative. I'm a 61 year old man and have tears in my eyes reading this.
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I can't see for tears. Beautiful.
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Looking at the magnificent smiles on this family and the love they project for each other. Makes you wonder perhaps the truly handicapped are the families and people unable to produce that joy!
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Well done Disney - lovely story
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Mustafa Leak
Thats what the Disney magic should be all about...the children should always come first, sign language should be taught in schools as another language option.
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The beaming smiles of pure joy and happiness, touched me to tears.
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Lost In NY
It is a great story - truly. Such a nice moment for this young child.
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Well done Disney
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would be nice if they teach it in schools for all to learn, that way a deaf person is never left out
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MargaretReply toKiyam
With all the cutbacks from Dodgey Daves Government the children are lucky if they teach spelling.
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AnonReply toKiyam
Some schools do now offer a GCSE in British Sign Language, but not many. The man problem is a lack of qualified teachers. It's also quite expensive to learn as an evening class (depending on availablity) I'm learning BSL as my Deaf friend is teaching me, but I couldn't afford to do a proper course. There are online resources, but they're not any good without a real life Deaf person to practise with! But you're right - it's an official language, and could be offered alongside French, Spanish etc in schools if only we had the will, resources and staff.
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How wonderful! Well done Tink!
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One Reader
Oh, how cute that is. What a great moment for that young girl to experience. Brings tears to my eyes.
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Kevin from Norfolk
Well done Disney and well done to everybody in Disney for making a little girls dreams come true.
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Her look and smile = priceless, good job disney.
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Anon OMouse
My wife and I took her disabled Bro to Orlando. Both Disney and Universal studios couldn't do enough to make ut magical and when he went swimming with dolphins it was truly incredible. He wasn't a child either, full grown.
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Now that was bloody magic, nice story for once
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