Erika takes aim at Florida after killing 20 in Dominica

Aug 29th 2015 7:06AM

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you made me install windows 10 now I have no sound please help.

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‘No End In Sight’ For Big Hurricanes, CBS Says Less than a month after Katrina made landfall, CBS anchor Russ Mitchell predicted that there would be “continued high levels of hurricane activity and high levels of hurricane landfalls for the next decade or perhaps even longer.” “For years now, experts have been saying we’ve entered a period of increased hurricane activity that may last a long time.” Mitchell said on the Sept. 22, 2005 Early Show. Later in the broadcast he added, “since 1990, the number of big hurricanes in the Gulf is up again, and there’s no end in sight.” Now, a decade later that prediction looks laughable since there hasn’t been a major hurricane (Category 3 or higher) to make landfall since October of 2005, when Hurricane Wilma struck Florida.

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NBC Blames Global Warming for Stronger Hurricanes, Says It’s ‘A Trend That’s Likely To Continue’ In the weeks following Katrina, NBC turned to global warming as the hurricane’s cause. On September 18, 2005, Nightly News anchor John Seigenthaler said, “scientists studying the earth’s climate say we are experiencing stronger hurricanes in this century, a trend that’s likely to continue.” NBC’s chief science correspondent Robert Bazell continued, asking: “Was Katrina a warning of more terrible hurricanes in the next few years?” Bazell admitted “one storm cannot prove anything about climate change,” but claimed the projected ocean temperature rise would cause more severe storms through the end of the century. That NBC report included climatologist Stephen Schneider who said, “humans won’t make the storms, but we can make them a little stronger than they otherwise would have been.”

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odori Reply to dataunlim08

What you don't realize is that increased tropical cyclones is a world-wide concern, not just the concern of the Eastern and Gulf coasts of the US. Whenever the Atlantic is quiet, the Pacific is stormier, and vice versa. That's the way global weather patterns work. While the Atlantic coasts of the US have not had a major hurricane impact in 10 years, the Western Pacific has been hammered year after year with Super Typhoons, including this year. The fact is that tropical cyclones (including major ones) HAVE increased markedly in the last ten years, just as predicted, due to global warming. We've been lucky along the Atlantic coasts in that we've been protected by strong El Nino water patterns every year, but the Western PAcific nations have not been so lucky, and they are suffering badly as a consequence of our temporary good fortune. It's only a matter of time before that trend reverses. The alternating pattern between severe weather in the two oceans is cyclic, & so inevitable.

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apache Reply to dataunlim08

The only thing I see is demorat hot air

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suzyqistillloveyou Reply to apache

You poor thing,

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GIVE IT UP, Weather Channel. It's over. It's not even an event. Yet you keep putting out these scare-tactic reports? You people are pathetic and just plain sad.

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OK. I'm sitting here a few miles north of Miami. Beautiful but hot. No trace of rain, which, by the way is desperately needed. The drought here is terrible and we beg for rain. The TV stations this week were having a field day with this storm. They have to keep up the drama and of course exaggerate the situation in order to gain and keep viewers. They will keep showing the one video of the mudslide in Dominica every few minutes because it's the only action packed footage they have. It's all for ratings. So, here in Florida we will get the badly needed rain tomorrow and if you have a lawn you will be jumping for joy. Of course the media only wants negativity so you won't hear about the positive side of a storm.

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A feeble attempt to sell advertising guys, the storm dissipated, its gone...get over yourselves.

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Grumpy Grump

Wind shear thanks to El Nino has chewed up Erika as it did Danny. The Pacific ocean dominates the Atlantic because it is twice it's size.

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Erika is DEAD!!!!
Stop scaremongering!!!!
40 mph winds wow some thunderstorms have more wind speed tan that!
AOL your journalism shouldn't be called as such!!!

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Hopefully Florida dodged a hurricane bullet!

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lots of rain

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Sorry about the deaths but on the good side, looks like Erika's gonna' be nothing more than serious perspiration through the course.

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LOL !!!! THIS IS A ARTICLE ???? I guess I will just CALL MY FAMILY IN FLORIDA TONIGHT. This tells you NOTHING.

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Does AOL even TRY to be a viable news source? Erika dissipated at 930 this morning. AOL says it's heading for Florida, at 5pm?? Does "AOL NEWS" take weekends off?

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I was hoping it would hit South Florida hard and pound them for two days. It would clear out some of the crap.

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listen to these fools if you wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Lived in Tampa my whole life and it'll be just like the weather we usually get this time of year. Nothing here folks move on.

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Erika died at 9:30 this morning. RIP. As for Florida it was sunny all day.

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suzyqistillloveyou Reply to justwoman62

Not here in Orlando. We have had heavy rain, thunder, etc., several times today.

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