Just horsing around! Clipper becomes sensation after trimming a series of complex designs into animals for clients

Darren Boyle for MailOnline

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Don't they get sunburned?
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taylordaweReply totherealpixie
No. A: because it isn't shaved, it's clipped. B: because the underlying skin is pigmented very similarly to the coat colour. White breeds of pigs, however, can suffer from sunburn.
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Erica83Reply totherealpixie
Yes, they can get sunburn. It's more common in pink skinned horses. But is possible in horses of all skin colours.
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The Real FiguresReply totherealpixie
Yes - they can - despite what taylordawe says. If the hair is clipped too short, they can get serious sunburn.
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Roy Burstead Parva
Reminds me of all those pictures of Beckham we constantly get in the Mail.Hard to work out which one is the donkey and which one the ass.
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i feel who dress their animals up have something lacking in their life.
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Hieland CooReply tothomas20111
I feel who can't write right shouldn't comment on others.
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PerfumeCatReply tothomas20111
I feel who can't set aside pedantry to see the bigger picture need to focus more on compassion for animals.
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Hieland CooReply tothomas20111
Perfumecat, compassion doesn't come into it. There's no cruelty involved. The people who object are being rather anthropomorphic, in the main, seeing it as undignified - as if somehow the horses are going to be embarrassed. They're not easily embarrassed! And in response to the original comment, many animals who are "dressed up" are much loved little darlings and couldn't be happier. It's the love that matters, not whether you dress your animal up or leave it shaggy and unkempt - only humans (and pretty shallow ones at that) care about that sort of thing.
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That is cool !
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Sir Sean
looks a mess
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Josephine Public
I like the bumblebee and shamrock.
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James A. Conrad
"THANKS" -- Horse flies, mosquitoes, ticks, cold temperatures, etc. [sarcasm]
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This is very pretty but j always wonder when I see something like this, what the down side is for the animal?
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commonsenseReply toNicki
In this case, there is no downside for the animal whatsoever. Which is good.
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Very good, now get a useful job.
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Hieland CooReply toKORKY the KAT
Like being a hairdresser?
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I think she needs a bit more practice, some of those medieval ones are a tad wobbly..............seen better.
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Sandy Brown
Beautiful horses.
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More pics of Melody please
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mike young
Godd idea
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Maybe it's 'Becky with the good hair'
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Stunning. Only lasts for a while until coat grows in again.
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Beautiful! Reminds me of how the native Americans painted their horses for battle, each colour and symbol has a meaning and the horses coat would tell stories of previous victories, as well as certain symbols providing them protection and luck in battle.
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Linda Lou too.
Next to be seen on Katie Prices poor horses.
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Think the designs are great but why on the article of katie price clipping her horse are there comments from PETA saying it's cruel to animals and that Katie should shave her own head but on this article it's written as a positive thing? It come across as quite hypocritical and unfair.
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Karen Vicencio
There is no down side. Horse's with cushings don't shed in the summer like most do, and they can get overheated very easily. Clipping is necessary to help them remain healthy.For regular horses, if you are riding them regularly in the winter, they will sweat, and it can take hours and hours and hours to dry them. It's very unhealthy for them to stay damp. It's not the same as when they are being rained on. A healthy horse generally can stay out in the rain, and their skin will stay dry, as the oils in their coat cause the rain to run off and not soak the horse to the skin. But if the horse sweats and it's cold, they are damp from the skin up, and the horse can get chilled and sick. So the horses are better off being clipped, to where they either don't sweat, or dry in a few minutes, and can be blanketed and put away comfortably.
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