Merkel to hold crisis talks as migrants stream into Germany

Merkel 就向德国大量涌入的移民潮举行危机会谈
FRANK JORDANS Sep 6th 2015 7:16AM

BERLIN (AP) -- Chancellor Angela Merkel planned to discuss Europe's  migrant crisis with her coalition partners Sunday, as Syrians, Iraqis  and others fleeing war and persecution streamed into Germany for the  second straight day.

The Christian Social Union, the  socially-conservative wing of Merkel's center-right bloc, has criticized  the decision to open Germany's borders to migrants and refugees stuck  in Hungary, the dpa news agency reported.

Most of Syrian refugees to Europe are educated and skilled.  EU can, but won't, show it is real and welcome this first group.

— Rupert Murdoch  (@rupertmurdoch) September 6, 2015

Meanwhile,  the center-left Social Democrats, the third member of Merkel's  three-party coalition, urged swift humanitarian help for those trekking  through Europe in search of a better life.

"No decent person can  remain cold and dismissive in the face of such suffering," said Thomas  Oppermann, a senior Social Democrat.

He added that refugees should be fairly distributed in Europe, and countries should not avoid their responsibilities. "Whoever refuses to do their part calls into question whether they can be part of Europe."

German officials have been particularly angry at Hungary for encouraging migrants to keep traveling westward, instead of providing them with adequate shelter and the chance to apply for asylum there.

Thousands arrived in Germany by way of Austria by train, bus and car on Saturday. Most went to Munich, the Bavarian capital, where authorities said some 7,000 people were registered and over half received a bed for the night.

Special trains also took 570 people to the Thuringian town of Saalfeld. More than half of them were taken onward to Dresden, where a school for German army officers has been cleared to provide temporary shelter for 350 newcomers.

Other trains brought migrants to Hamburg in the north and Dortmund in the west of the country, while more than 300 people traveled to the capital Berlin on specially chartered buses.

At each stop the migrants were received with cheers, bags of food and toys for the children.




Most Germans have been welcoming of the migrants. But far-right groups have protested their arrival, including in Dortmund overnight.

Chancellor Merkel has warned that extremist groups might try to take advantage of the situation to stoke people's prejudices against refugees. Authorities estimate that up to 800,000 people could apply for asylum in Germany by the end of the year.

Germany's opposition Left Party, meanwhile, said the United States was to blame for the migrant crisis originating in the Middle East because it had indirectly supported terrorist groups in the region.

"If the German government had a little bit of courage it would at least ask the United States, as the main cause of the refugee tragedy, to pay some of the costs," dpa quoted Sahra Wagenknecht, a senior Left Party lawmaker, as saying.


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Any word from the State Department on U.S. traveler recommendations to Germany and/or Austria?

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They're headed to welfare countries(they are already safe from war.), and will keep coming, if they get it. The U.S. knows, because it's happening here, with only a 4% unemployment rate in Mexico.

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The Anti-Goebbels Reply to Mike


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Thank heaven Germany is humane, has resources and, more importantly, has a heart.

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Why aren't they going to Saudi Arabia, Africa, or any other Muslim country. Why would they go to a colder European existence? When I viewed the photos and videos with mostly males between 18 and 40 I was actually irritated. How could those men leave the old, women and children behind? But then I must remember that when ISIS enters a city they basically separate the men, women and children. They shoot the men immediately, then they separate the women, young from old (don't need to explain that one) and they keep any children under 12 to train as warriors. So basically the men HAVE to run. Otherwise they are DEAD.

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Nic Reply to expertatthis

Saw an interesting article @ BBC-World about this very subject. Here's the link to c/p, if you want to read it:

It seems the wealthier Arabic states make it difficult for any of their neighboring countries to gain access via visa or otherwise. Many of these rich gulf states are guilty of exploiting cheap labor from other countries as well so they're not exactly chomping at the bit to help anyone if it does not benefit them directly. Hope this helps.

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Liberals in Europe are welcoming a flood of Muslims into their country. If nothing else, they will change the country's culture to something resembling the Middle East rather than Europe. It's a big mistake that can't be undone.

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Why are they not going to rich Arab nations that have the wealth and their religion? Has any Arab nation even tried to help? Arab nations never will when there are several stupid nations willing to hand out money to those seeking to get away.

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Arthur Reply to lukeduke1010

The idea is to destory one's enemies by dumping one's poor and disadvantaged on them. The U.S could have won the Cold War fifteen years sooner if it could have teleported all its poor and disgruntled to Moscow.

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bookbuyer1 Reply to Arthur

They may have been poor/disgruntled, but smart enough to know which side their bread was buttered on. The problem is this. Someone else has to pay for the bread + the butter. I believe in helping someone less fortunate than myself. But I won't borrow money from China to do so

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They want the U.S. to contribute,get the $$$$$$$$$ from,Halliburton,CHENEY and The Bush Regime Machine!

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Daddy O

Obama pulled the troops to let ISIS grow and it was against his advisors. He then stalled everyone saying they were the JV team nothing to worry about. The generals that advised against him pulling troops were fired.

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audioknot1 Reply to Daddy O

Why don't you go and fight? You're real brave behind your keyboard.

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hoofy53 Reply to Daddy O

Obama financed ISIS in the first place when he sent 450 million dollars in support to the "rebels " and "freedom fighters" in Syria that turned out to be Al Quada and a month later ISIS popped up in Iraq sporting new American weapons and a new recruiting technique to fill the power void left when Obama pulled all the troops out of Iraq against his generals wishes !!

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Anyone notice that most of them are young, healthy able bodied males? What ever happened to standing your ground and fighting for your country and freedom?

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greenwolfot Reply to jagco2014

Fight with what. Look at Syria before the rise of ISIS.
Fleeing ISIS because ISIS kills the young,healthy, able bodied males.

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jgesselberty Reply to greenwolfot

The revolutionaries in this nation used little more than guile and ingenuity. Do you think weaponry was readily available?

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The Anti-Goebbels

When the beheadings and stonings start, Angela will be forced to resign.

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The United States did not cause this problem. Extremism in the Middle East and other Muslim lands has caused this crisis. The entire reason the US intervened in the first place was that extremism existed there and created havoc. Why this utter denial about hte reality? You can't fix something if you refuse to name it. 30% of Muslims in Muslim majority nations (not in the US, Europe or Israel) believe that terrorism is OK some of the time. The vast MAJORITY there believe people should be jailed and in most countries they believe, put to death, if they blaspheme (say something bad about Muhammed) or convert to another religion. This according to the PEW polls, which are known to be quite accurate. That is widespread extremism, not confined to the one tenth of one percent as Obama and other deniers drivel on about. You can't fix something if you refuse to address what is broken. Many Muslim majority nations are entirely or nearly Jew and Christian free. They have been ethnically cleansed.

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yankeejudd Reply to ilenedan2

George W Bush and Dick Cheney are the reason for this problem. Get your teabagger republican head out of your ass and face facts ilenedan2

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The Anti-Goebbels

The spreading of Islam, aided by stupid Europeans...

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Tese people are paristes and will bleed you dry! Execute the Smuggles on the spot it will end!

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Blank For reason

Planting seeds of a later BIG problem.

Look at France and other countries with musliums..

They will start acting like the very thing they say they was running from.

sink a few of the boats and the rest get the idea.

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rdz69 Reply to Blank For reason

and the muslims are burning down jewish businesses in France as well....................................!

only good muslim is a dead one.

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fox12ga Reply to Blank For reason

Sink all of the boats They'll get the message faster

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You can bet that there are Islamic terrorists mixed in with this bunch..Where are the Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia..Iran...and the rest of the Arab world..they know that this migration is a front to Islamic terrorists sneaking into their countries...And they dont want any part of this...TYPICAL of ISLAM and their people

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They should elect Donald Chump he will build a wall with a gate for them

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Jeremiah Johnson

If all EU members closed their borders to immigrants they would have to stay and make changes in their own country. We need to do the same here in the U.S., but we don't have leaders that give a damn about it's own citizens, but opens their arms to these illegals.
"""TRUMP 2016"""""

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thorrsman Reply to Jeremiah Johnson

America has been a safety-valve for South American despots for too many years, allowing broken and corrupt government to continue to victimize their own people with impunity.

Force those who would otherwise flee to an easy life in America to face the problems in their own nation and make changes rather than running away from adversity.

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Hello Phil

Train them with weapons and lead them in battle with European forces to take back their homeland so they can go back home to live.
Taking in these refugees is only solving the symptom, not the condition.

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Hearts are great but heads need to be used too. Look to England, France, Belgium, etc and you will see the future.

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What are the rich Middle Eastern counties doing to help....NOTHING.

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