The 'Rainbow People' who meet around the world for meditations and NAKED gatherings where they 'express their love for each other'

Dave Burke For Mailonline

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Wonderful "A world where you can be absolutely free". Except when you have to buy your tattoos, go on seances, buy a camper van, buy weed, pay for unwanted kids or pay for condoms. And maybe pay for de-lousing and crabs treatment. By the way. Why aren't the muddy nipples pixellated?
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DPANONReply toDaveResnam
got a problem with nipple shapes coming through the mud? do you not have nipples? i imagine they aren't pixellated because if she had a thin t-shirt and no bra you would see as much, prude.
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Boki geary
middle class dropouts with unlimited supply of money from their parents
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I love the rainbow people.
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Proudly Right Wing
deluded maniacs
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They will achieve nothing for the progress of humanity. Just live a hedonistic life on drugs and no responsibilities. Braindead drug haze in not for me I am afraid.
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Cheja HansenReply tobee
Wow,how far from the truth u are
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Just another dogging site
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Batman Crime Fighter
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Domine quo vadis
Why they should be na.ked to prove LOVE?? In their vision, LOVE means S.EX and S.EX means a lot of hormons.
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DPANONReply toDomine quo vadis
hormons? also doesn't look like they are having intercourse, they are all just mediating and conversing naked. its skin, get over it
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Drop outs with hedonistic lifestyle
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Dances with bunnies
A much better way of life compared to the corporate new world order that relies on war, famine and vacant materialism to survive.
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That headline makes me so angry. If you will notice, they are swimming. Rainbows have healthy body images, and deep respect for each other. It is one of the LEAST sexualized experiences you can have. We don't care whether you have clothes on or not. In fact, it's just a body -- not an issue. It is a time to come together with like minded people and appreciate nature and all she gives us.
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Sounds great.
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this sounds freakin awesome
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Della Duckboarder
Getting naked is one of life's great things. I love getting naked, anywhere.
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Minestrone BaxterReply toDella Duckboarder
What..even in the shower?? WOW!!
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Domine quo vadisReply toDella Duckboarder
It' s to see a lot of pu.bic hair when you' re eating....bleah
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fast_hand_funReply toDella Duckboarder
I agree. Nakedness is awesome. I'm naked right now. Everyone walking past my window can see me and that's okay.
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Minestrone BaxterReply toDella Duckboarder
When I'm eating all I want to see is public hare.
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dinomeanoReply toDella Duckboarder
Come join me sometime
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Excellent photography
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Nip alert!
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