The 'Rainbow People' who meet around the world for meditations and NAKED gatherings where they 'express their love for each other'

Dave Burke For Mailonline

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French it up
Most of hippies are from rich families.
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Would be nice for a month max.
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du VallonReply toSirius
I'm pretty sure I couldn't hack all that for a full month.
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Sandwich of Logic
Blimey, One Direction have really let themselves go.
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Give me a break,really?Yeuch.
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Jo David
They're just hippies....
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If nothing else, I hope they wear comdoms.
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Beau Corr
This kind of behaviour has been going on for years! I remember reading a history book in Amsterdam about a religious sect who believed it was necessary to be totally nude in public in order to commune properly with god. And that was in the 17th century! And over in England around the time of the English civil war, a sect of people believed in free love and nudity to attain a connection with god. No doubt if one did more research you may find public nudity etc, going much further back in time, perhaps?
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First class air tickets there and back (rejecting consumerism)
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WTF is that old guy smoking? I want some.
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annie m.
Sleep with who you you like festival. Hippies.
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Did I miss the nudity in the photos?
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So hippies?
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It's a bit like the posh parties
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Bicycle Repair Man
The hippies did this back in the late 60's, albeit without the gold cards in most cases. Nothing new under the Sun eh ?
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All with trust funds no doubt.
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ScubamanReply tothemanlikedave
...or welfare.
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It is a kind of Glastonbury with no rain and urine smell.
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james anthony
Repeats of the Hippy Days.
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Flower power 1962
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Honest thinker
I spent a fortnight in a 'hippy commune' in Denmark once. Full of well to do parents money types. OK there was an abundance of alcohol and coitus but it felt a little fake.
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Throw away your large credit card bills and mortgages and 4 by 4 cars and Jon the rainbow people and all your stress free problems will be solved - Rainbow Corporation Enterprises Incorporated Plc
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