A Boeing 777 plane suddenly got into the zone of strong turbulence before starting to descend


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Lance Uppercut 123
Should have kept their seatbelts fastened
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DugshallowReply toLance Uppercut 123
How when you are standing up to go.to.the toilet or queuing for it. Idiot
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DavinaReply toLance Uppercut 123
You seem to be the idiot, dug shallow.
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I always keep my seatbelt fastened when flying. They tell you to do this in the safety briefing which no one seems to pay attention to. This was "clean air turbulance" so the pilot had no way to warn the passengers, so by keeping them fastened fewer people may have been injured.
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Usually when you are about to hit turbulence you are instructed to make sure you secure you seat belt. From the time I get on the plane the seat belt is secured whatever the weather. Hope all passengers are going to be okay.
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judging from the photographs , the mess looks like your average ryanair flight to anyway
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I always keep my seat belt on when I am sitting.
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LambastedReply tomeme
Not while standing then ?
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angry from DerbyReply tomeme
Be difficult if you are standing.
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Very frightening but always keep you seatbelt on.
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You get very severe thunderstorms in Thailand this time of the year. Not surprised by this sad news.
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They should have been in their seats with seat belts on!
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Chris4smartReply toJoanne
Radar cannot pick up turbulence
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Surely cabin warning lights would have come on warning passengers to return to their seats and put on seat belts. What were the cabin staff doing?
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THEY CANT DETECT CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE... Very scary people have died on flights hit by the food carts.
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FredatorReply toBendover
Very scary people have died eh
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BendoverReply toBendover
ok I owe you a Comma , heres a few extra for ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Put your seatbelt on then!
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Sit belt on during all the flight time unless you go to wc.
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THIS is why you ALWAYS keep your seatbelt on, and stow anything not required in overhead bins or under seat in front of you. I can't tell you how many people unbuckle just because they can. It's not worth the extra bit of comfort if you're going to have your head slammed into the ceiling...
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Secure your seat belt is the answer
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j bayne
If everyone listened to the pre-flight safety demonstration- they all clearly say that even if the seat belt sign is turned off, if you are seated, leave your seat belt fastened. The purpose of the seat belt indicator is telling you when it is safe (mostly, but everyone should already know that turbulence happens) to get up from your seat to stretch your legs or go to the restroom. When you return to your seat you're supposed to fasten your seat belt again. This is like airplane safety 101.
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This is why I don't like people taking those mini suitcases masquerading as hand luggage.
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Allan K PrestonReply toKing_Arthur
When airlines stop charging more for a suitcase than they do for the passenger ticket, then people might stop doing that. I remember when one suitcase was included in the cost of the flight. Now its an additional extra so they can make a little extra money.
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m. smith
Sensible people used to wear their seat belts during a flight, and even moreso when there is turbulence.
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Turbulence is never 'hundreds of metres'. Ten is exceptional. It seems extreme but isn't and is no danger to the flight itself, only to the passengers. I fly a lot and when seated I keep my belt fastened.
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FeelTheNeedReply toDavina
We did 10 oncefrom Canada. The lady in front of me actually didn't let go of the headrest afterwards and had huge rip marks (afraid we still smirk about it). We were given notice and in all fairness took me by surprise but was no worse than a theme park for a few seconds
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Always wear seatbelt even when the sign is turned off . Also from personal experience Aeroflot is one of the worst companies to fly on I never use it
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Keep your belts on peeps!
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