White House nixes petition calling for Donald Trump's arrest

白宫驳回逮捕 Donald Trump 的申请。

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realy. how about hillary? oh shes protected

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Omg these people are sick!!! It was the MEDIA that is hiring these people to start these violent crusades and they want to arrest Trump when they should be arresting Hillary!!!

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Hillary for Handcuffs 2016.

Queen Affluenza belongs in GITMO!

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The people can't win, ever! To much money and power at the top.

They will override the people no matter what. We don't stand a chance with these greedy, ego maniacs. Just as the republicans will override trump at the convention. They know whats best for us, no matter how the people vote.

We the people are just a bunch of scum to these greedy, power hungry zealots.

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pmoore40Reply tohottair47

So you have no problem with the left stooping to being paid to commit violence against people who are exercising their 1st AMendment rights. Pathetic

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Then arrest those of us that support him! It's time that emotions run high because of the B/S coming out of Washington and the "Establishment"! If liberals would just stay in the gay bars or at the abortion clinics there wouldn't be any trouble.

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ScootieReply tohlt221

Or at their DEAD shows, hlt221.

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vincevincentjamesReply tohlt221

Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel.



She said 'You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel."



As Helen Thomas says that she can call the US Presidents any names, but she cannot say a word against Israel. It is off-limit in the MIGHTY USA, she had added.

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SharonReply tohlt221

Ya then you can bomb and/or beat the free speech right out of them while they're all in one place! Now crush that can on your forehead, belch loudly, and send bubba jr. to get you another beer!

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I'll bet they could get more signatures in a shorter time to arrest Clinton for her e-mail felonies and money laundering. Or to impeach Obama for violating his oath of office. not to mention incitement of violence by proxy against law enforcement.

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Greg Turner

David Axlewho? The trickster that got Barack Obama elected? Last time I saw him on television, his head was jerking around so much, I thought he was on something. That reminds me. Are Charlie Sheen and Barack Obama examples of what illegal drugs (like cocaine, heroin, L.S.D.,or designer marijuana) can do to people's brains? I heard about some guy with a mustache once who was sitting in a dark New York City bistro one night, eating seafood, when suddenly he vomited ... (Never mind. It's beyond laughing at.)

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and who ''incited'' racist riots which formed the BLM in Ferguson, Maryland etc. ???

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CarmenReply toPauline

The thug who was shot, and he deserved it! Just another opportunity for looting!

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If we the people organization wants trump arrested for inciting violence, then we the people organization has to be arrested for provoking the violence. This whole thing is getting stupid - why are all these people afraid of trump?

Remember, in this country, we, the voters, decide on who our next president will be. It is about the only time we the people have really anything to say about how our government runs. We should not allow the outcome to be decided by powerful insiders, political party rulers or any other self serving influence. And this applies whether you are a democrat or republican. liberal or conservative. Vote with your head and not be a lackey for someone else.

And, all voters should get out there and vote. Every vote is important. We have seen elections won, and lost, on just a few votes.

Again, vote with your head. Your vote has as much impact as all the other votes. And, forget about the hype of a particular political party - vote for the one who you think will be best for the 320 million of us and for you.

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All these Bastards take an oath of office to defend and protect the Constitution and uphold the law Obama's Administration has failed miserably !!!! Hillary is as guilty as hell !!!! There should be a march on Washington asking for Obama's resignation and Hillary's arrest !!!

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How about Hillary's arrest. Why isn't that happening???????

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not hillery she's pure as coal dust

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Greg Turner

Riots in the streets? Is Hillary Clinton thinking about choosing Cynthia McKinney as her vice-presidential running mate? Does anyone know for sure? Isn't she a friend of Barack Insane Obama's or something? Is she living in Africa, now? I was just kind of wondering. Read "The Origin of Our Left-wing Species." It's available at Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Amazon.

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Carbone Agency

Make me laugh out loud. Are these the nice people from Ferguson, Baltimore or wherever Soros and the extreme left come from. If anyone should be arrested it is HC or BA. What are these people if they really exist smoking or getting paid.

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PattyReply toCarbone Agency

First, scientists say cannabis...shrinks the brain and concluded that those who smoke cannabis - are anti-social and basically losers

Other scientists found that the drug taking of the left have left their brains impaired...they have less brain cells....and are unable, incapable...of rational thinking....these thugs have done this to americans for 50 long, over due years

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this country is getting ridiculous. People want to take away the rights of free speech, the right to be who you are, the right to control your own body...whats next? When did we allow the extremist agenda take over? (both sides are guilty) Why cant we just live and let live in this country and have people mind their own business. The government needs to focus on keeping the peace , working to create an environment that enables its citizens to be financially stable while making sure our natural resources are used in a way to keep us safe from harm

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What the heck happened to the story that goes with this headline?

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How about Al Sharpton .

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Conservatism is a dying ideology. It's divisive and filled with racism, bigotry and hate.

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JCReply toGlenn

Conservatism does not arrest people because they hold a different point of view. Modern liberalism tries to do just that.

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GlennReply toJC

It's a protest petition for god's sake. You reactionaries act like you've never heard of or seen anything like it. Other countries including great britian have signed petitions to keep the bloviating fool out of their countries.

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CarmenReply toGlenn

And you are a dying breed, a moron with an opinion. STFU!

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GlennReply toCarmen

A fox educated gop flock member on display.

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ScootieReply toGlenn

Liberals are far more HATEFUL Glenn, in that they ALWAYS look for a racial or sexual angle (queers) even when NONE exists.

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The petition is legal; Trumpers. Get over it. The end is Cleveland.

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b4scoreReply toLarry

larry. Bubba. Got your tax paid for gov. check did you?

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All you Trump aka clown supporters are so funny......its like 7 days a week of Saturday Night live.

This buffoon will NEVER be President there are simply not enough of you morons left to make it so.His supporters aka sheep are dropping like flies.But you will hang in there and perhaps he will line your pockets...........NOT.

Try fixing your mouth to say this "Madam President" because that is what it will be.

I have a funny feeling after November you zeros will go and hide and return to your mundane lives......just sayin....................

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jamaldolphReply toward22dotcom

And our country will be lost!

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PattyReply toward22dotcom

The hiding comes from the bawling liberal snowflakes who can't stand hearing anything that contradicts their beliefs - called safe places.

You anarchists of the left have had a history or racism, thugs, and leaving taxpayers to pick up millions in costs.

American patience has worn out,.....the left have been sticking heir fingers in the eyes of americans for 50 years....you need to tone it


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