They deserve a medal! Former Olympic wrestling champion fights off SEVEN police officers who hit him with batons and pepper spray after he was stopped for drink driving

Jake Polden For Mailonline

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If he was guilty of drink driving then he needs to be stopped. Tazer might have been more useful to the police.
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Russian Troll Miami
...after he was stopped for drink driving... i think the author had a drink when he started drink typing
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ItsbloatReply toRussian Troll Miami
I've seen "drink driving" many times on DM. A difference of language preferences perhaps? I do think it reads and sounds dumb.
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AvaniceReply toRussian Troll Miami
It is an abbreviated form of writing 'driving whilst under the influence of alcohol' and has been used for many years. What is the US version?
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sweetvycReply toRussian Troll Miami
They say "drink driving" in Australia too. It does sound a bit odd to us. In the US we say "drunk driving"
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Can you explain why drink-driving makes more sense than drunk driving?
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MasculinistReply toEricCc
yes - because we British speak English and you yanks don't.
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Drew BarfieldReply toEricCc
It probably doesn't. Keep in mind that this is DM.
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jobblesReply toEricCc
Because 'drunk' is not a binary state. Reactions can be impaired without appearing drunk.
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EricCcReply toEricCc
Fair enough jobbles, however drink is also not a bianary state, its a verb or noun relating to any fluid, not just alcohol. You cannot get drunk on orange juice but can certainly drink it.
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typical yukraines.
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Only losers drink and drive
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Would have loved to have seen on the last photo, one of the Officers get him into a Boston Crab hold
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I would like to see some photo's .After he fell down the stairs in his cell.
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Lars Gonaards
Should have hit him harder
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He didn't really fight them. He took some good licks, yeah, but neither side was very effective
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Good so now he can get A I D S in a Ukrainian Jail. Smart moves.
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Not bad for 50. But does highlight brains and brawn don't go together for this stupid reaction.
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Ukraine = stupid naive deluded country that rejected the protection of Mother Russia...the Ukrainians have looked west to the EU dictatorship as their salvation but the reality is the EU will strip them of their national sovereignty and cultural identity...what a buncha fools, you should've kept with Russia...the west is NOT your answer.
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Meiosis2Reply toMasculinist
But that's the thing - none of the former USSR republics want anything to do with russia and can't wait to get away from it. So just may be your mother russia isn't so great after all, Comrade?
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leftard-__-idiocracyReply toMasculinist
Ukraine IS Mother Russia. Learn some history. Here's a clue: Kievan Rus.
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beast from the eastReply toMasculinist
does ironic come into your thinking Meiosis2 ? As regards " our " own country ?
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Meiosis2Reply toMasculinist
Come again, beast from the east?
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He reminds me of the Winter Soldier from Captain America......
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Mr Grimm
Been a long time since I fought seven people at once...
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jamesReply toMr Grimm
You're not Snow White are you?
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stephen lastReply toMr Grimm
not all its cracked up too be...damaging 7 fists with my headbutts wears on you after a while
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yep I done something similar ,,,stanstead airport 2008 .....coming of a flight ,still no memory of it at all. I was told by the court the next day .aaaaah I miss my twenties now nothing ever happens.
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Phoenix123Reply toNatscor83
I saw you on Jeremy Kyle
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America? I didnt even need to read the article.
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ThisisjustanameReply tojrodfilms
Kiev is in Russia you tool!
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BraeburnReply tojrodfilms
These first two posts together are so funny.
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GerrySELondonReply tojrodfilms
I think you'll find Kiev is not in Russia.
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Not trying very hard then. One club to the head and it's "nighty night!"
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Do the police not possess tasers in Ukraine?
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Beer muscles...
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No zika virus for him
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