Thai students caught using 'Mission Impossible' exam spy glasses


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Mark M.

If you are not cheating you are not trying.

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America welcome to high tech cheating

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what do your call a person who graduated medical school 260th out of 260?.....Doctor!

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Ajarn L

Thai students must learn that just getting the answer is not the key. Learning the answer is the key.

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A former Stanford professor said of not caring whether his students cheated on mid-terms because afterall, he already had his degree

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Ray Angel Harris

Dumb #$%$

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the chinese already done this and taught the Thai to do it.

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There's a bit of irony to why Asians(not "American-Asians") are considered smart. Obviously, knowing the answers and being able to get them in other ways will lead to the same test results.

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will do well in thai politics ??????

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NRA and proud of it

Not so smart after all.

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And by "blacklisted", they mean they have to bribe someone to get back in again... probably the same way they got in in the first place.

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Edward Faust

Never trust Thai, Chinese, Korean or Japanese its true

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Clever enough to do this, too stupid to study for the test.

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The get an "A" for effort.

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If you are not cheating, you are not trying.

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Is that one of the countries where they kill you if you dont get an A?

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All about wealth and power, this is a world wide problem, not just in one country. When it is associated with doctors, it is a matter of life and death. Some people can skate through life but most run into potholes.

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How would you like these cheaters to end up being your doctor some day?

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No wonder thousands of fake Hindu doctors here in america. L0L

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ignorant residence

I love thailand but hate most of government official

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