Thai students caught using 'Mission Impossible' exam spy glasses


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I wish Thais would spend as much time on legitimate things as they do on scams.

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I don't know where they will get their guidelines for reforms but I will say that they shouldn't look to the US with its substandard common core foundation.

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Meanwhile, in California, legislation is being passed that will allow illegal immigrants to practice their foreign-acquired professions here.

Of course, none of those legislators would ever allow themselves to be treated by a foreign-degreed doctor. Those us for us chumps. All in the name of inclusiveness and multiculturalism.

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Sawadee2000Reply toTheAttocc

As opposed to students who attend schools throughout the South that teach that the Earth is 6000 years old and that people once rode on dinosaurs.

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they can always find work with the international outreach group 'Doctors Without Degrees'

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another example of america being surpassed in the technological world.

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Ronnie and Joanne

I may have a chance of being a doctor.

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$23,000 to pass a single test? Were their lives at stake?

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but they know how to harvest organs

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Montville Local

Simple solution - no watches, no cell phones, glasses will be inspected, pens or pencils will be issued. You bring nothing in with you except that which is in your head.

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NathanReply toMontville Local

That's the way it's done in America.

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I teach at a high school in the states and we don't allow the students to have any electronic devices on them when they test. No cell phones, no watches, nothing. Further they are not allowed to leave their seats for water or bathroom break during the test period. They are not allowed to share calculators. No verbal communications or visual interactions with another student or they get their test paper taken. I thought we had taken care of cheating. I never heard of this stunt. I hope I don't have to start checking glasses now.

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Robert K

Check all cell phones, smart watches, etc. at the door. Examine all eye glasses. Place students in cubicles to prevent peeking. Distribute three versions of the same test with questions in different sequences. Monitor testing by strolling among the class.

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clay stone,

work haRDF but Aimee reconnect brains to make reflaction the memory so that refunction the past and last result

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I was joking with my friends they should invent this.

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im not surprise

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