Thai students caught using 'Mission Impossible' exam spy glasses


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Doctors are treated like White Knights in Thailand. They are an elite and untouchable class by themselves.

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Is this about the medical student cheats or the poor education system in Thailand?

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FreeReply toCheesehead


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JeorlimeReply toCheesehead

I think both.

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By this age, they should really know how to cheat better than this. These are med students, not art students. The politicians should be teaching cheating classes.

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Those medical schools can accept as many applications, but, not enough jobs.

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So the article doesn't say exactly how they got caught. And how did the teacher notice 3 of them, and not just 1 of them?

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clevelandReply toRob

If a scared person is caught they start snitching like a baby

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Does anybody think that, having uncovered one such cheating situation in Thailand, we can think it is a local Thai problem. Likely we are now seeing the tip of the iceberg. We need to devise a strategy to defeat this and it needs to be done now.

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They always Support to glorify dictator (instigate military to coup) take put a good to themself and put evil to him, profaned Royal (embed sanitary napkin under King 5), the frog select for leader (expel Thaksin for welcome Abhisit then to expel Abhisit for after) take the political are out destroy to International politics . Change the commercial market has become a battleground. They just like any dog getting used to the dictator only.

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Is it cheating? Of course it is, but when you get out of school and go into real life, this is called research.

It may be that our tech has caught up enough that we don't really to know much more than the ability to "Google It".

Anyrate, I mean that sooner or later, it'll be like this, just like the real world is.

You will be tested on your ability to come up with answers, research, planning, etc.

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AnthonyReply toDexter

Then I deserve a medical degree, but I know how to Google. Makes sense... oh wait - no, no it doesn't.

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Makes you wonder how many students didn't get caught and how many illegal doctors there are out there.

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lydellbReply tochris

Indeed, "Doctors" who don't really know anything. I doubt they can wear the glasses all their lives being fed all the answers.

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brendaReply tochris

Some vey smart people do not test well.

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PaulReply tochris

Smart or not, if they are that corrupt before passing the exam, I'll be damned if they ever see MY body...........

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AnthonyReply tochris

@Paul - you wouldn't know. Did you talk to your doctor about what place he graduated medical school? Did you have that conversation before or after you've visited his/her office?

As the joke goes - "what do you call a doctor that finishes last in med school?"

Answer: "Doctor".

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BillReply tochris

I've been to Thai doctors who gave horrible mis-diagnosis.

Had one tell me my tonsils were were swollen even though I had them removed and they haven't come back. Too many stories to tell here relayed by others to me.

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PaulReply tochris

@Anthony - you are right, I wouldn't know - if I WENT to a Doctor. Part of the reason I have done my best to avoid them for 50 some years...................and probably a factor in my health, too.

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BobothehutReply tochris

The doctors there just perscribe dangerous drugs that the FDA in America would never even consider approving. They're terrible! If in the country and have a health issue, there are some American doctors in Bangkok and other big cities. You should look them up before going.

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PaulReply tochris

On the other hand, the Doctors here just prescribe whatever medicine pays them best and the FDA approves whichever company paid THEM the most to "approve" the public experimentation.

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no name

No surprise.

While working in Thailand I was invited by a teacher friend to give afew lectures. Before starting I was told there will be afew students who are "untouchables". Ignore them, Dumb as rocks but at least rocks don't waste oxygen. Basically these kids will keep passing and graduate because of who they are related to or the generosity of their families.

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schneiderReply tono name

Like the Bushes

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JAmesDoLanReply tono name


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FreeReply tono name

same thing in Germany Dad was a doc you can be a doc

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billy jReply tono name

Don't forget the Clinton's!

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BobothehutReply tono name

Like Obama?

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OctoReply tono name

Laura Bush killed a guy when she was 18. Funny how that was forgotten. Oh and how about the 6 deferments that #$%$ Cheney got for Vietnam? How many un-fortunate sons died because of that #$%$ #$%$ chickenhawk republicans ruining America.

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Losing face is serious business in Asia, but in Thailand it can become deadly. Rich Thai parents will buy their kids prestige and accolades if they have to especially if your kid isn't the brightest. Cheating and bribery is part of everyday Thai way of life. That's why their educational and political system is among the among the most corrupted in the world. Rich kids get away with everything even murder!

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RonReply toliem

America is about to elect Hillary the most corrupt human to ever walk the planet. Stop attacking a country you know nothing about.

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liemReply toliem

At Ron, my wife is Thai. I have traveled to Thailand 10x in 7 years. #$%$!

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RonReply toliem

liem: I have lived in Thailand almost 10 years. You only travel here. Is your wife a Red Shirt too?

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liemReply toliem

At Ron, she's neither red or yellow. She doesn't give 2 #$%$. That's why she left in the first place.

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It's funny until that doctor faces a patient with the conditions and symptoms that he had to cheat about on the test. THEN, too late, it's a patient who pays the price for the cheater's indiscretion.

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steveReply toGoBlueGrad

Why wouldn't they be able consult a colleague, medical books or even Google at that point? I mean, I would really be pissed if I had an ailment that puzzled my Dr. and he/she didn't pursue any other avenues to find out the prognosis.

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Sheik Yerbouti

Surely Ron will visit us and comment on how wonderful the Thai educational system is and how much it's improved since the junta took power.

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I teach High School Math and Physics in Texas, and unfortunately, the majority of the cheaters are the smarter kids, since they are trying to max out their GPA to get into a good college.

The rest of the kids won't go to the trouble of cheating, and many genuinely don't care if they get a zero.

How far our country has fallen.

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SunsetSupermanReply toMike

Yep, it's too bad most won't become success driven, go getting world beaters like you Mr. High School teacher.

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O. Failed UsReply toMike

I get what you're saying, but I do want to say this: When I was working toward an engineering degree, we were forced to write out equations and such with the explanation that if we lost power, blah blah... I'm over 50 years old, and I've never had to design anything complex without a calculator or a computer program. The only real value I can see would be knowing how to structure an equation on a calculator, but even then the program calc's the k factors etc. Seems like a lot of time wasted...just say'in.

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AnthonyReply toMike

@Mike - you should grow a pair and give any caught cheaters zeroes as well as have them suspended from school.

Instead, you like your job, and are told (or implied) that you will lose your job if too many of your students fail.

I've seen it far too many times in classrooms where teachers let cheaters slide. It's that lackadaisical attitude that creates the very society that we rail against.

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MikeReply toMike

Amazing how many pretend to know something when they don't.

Cheaters that are caught do get zeros. Not sure what the hell a world beater is though.

Good luck with all of that negative energy there guys.

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MikeReply toMike

"Instead, you like your job, and are told (or implied) that you will lose your job if too many of your students fail."

Really? Where did I say that?

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They should try their luck being a politician, instead of doctors. At least where cheating is part of the game!

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Somewhere in the world there is the world's worst doctor. Sad to say, many people have an appointment with him/her today.

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FreeReply toWeazer

LOTS and hard to find a half good doc in Germany Nothing but given degrees and any that are smart and good leave and are not in Germany

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AlexandraReply toWeazer

In north America that doctor is in Canada!!!! And he charges the government an arm and a leg while treating you his patient as utter #$%$!!!!!! Oh, and he/she can harm even kill you and he/she will never lose his license!!!! Because doctors are saints in Canada and are protected by the government!!!! So much for a government for the people!!! And protecting patients!!!!

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FreeReply toWeazer

Alexander same in Germany they are 90% sons of doctors that could not pass in regular school if not for the name that guarantees he can be a doc and let loose on people. Should be a crime and NO liability in Germany as a matter of fact it is LEGAL for the doc to later change his records.

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zdocReply toWeazer

in my medical school graduating class there were three kinds of doctors: 1) those to whom i would send a family member for invasive treatment; 2) those to whom i would send a family member for routine care or a prescription and; 3) those who i would not allow to trim my toenails. in the first group there were exactly three of my classmates. in the second group, perhaps a couple dozen. and in the third group, well over a hundred. most doctors are somewhere between marginally incompetent and frankly inept. and in case you were wondering, an ivy league degree or other high-prestige credential doesn't change the math.

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So if I go to the hospital and a Thai doctor comes to treat me, am I still a racist if I refuse treatment??? What if the doctor looks Thai? Am I a racist if I ask his nationality??? How about any of these Asian or even other nationalities??? This problem is not isolated to Thailand. Many other nations do NOT monitor nor train their people like we in the U.S. expect and assume. The American public has to realize that with all this P.C. behavior and laws that their health and lives are in serious jeopardy.

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skReply toPjoseph

"Many other nations do NOT monitor nor train their people like we in the U.S. expect and assume" - Do you actually think that people in the U.S. do not cheat?

Americans practically invented the word "cheat".

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Mr XReply toPjoseph

Be careful. you can't judge everything from this stupid news of cheating kids. I had a Thai doctor in Arizona; he actually went to Harvard for practices after MD. He was great and went to the best medical school in Thailand.

My Indian doctor here (who got MD in India) in Penn is also better than my Caucasian doctor in Montana who went to UCLA.

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AlexandraReply toPjoseph

You most certainly have a right to ask and should do so!!! It is your health. Oh, and from my experience indian doctors and I have had many of them are terrible!!!! Soooo cocky!!!!

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BobothehutReply toPjoseph

Pjoseph, doctors in countries such as Thailand cannot simply come and practice here in America at least passing the USMILE. They won't be able to cheat on that

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Thai Government Ministry of Education is against change because

thousands of its teachers are not qualified to teach.

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EdReply toLARS

Actually it is the methods they use to teach and no accountability rather than qualified. Methods can be taught to these teachers and accountability can also. Qualified is such a misused term.

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oskarReply toLARS

Thai govt currently trying to cheat its way around educational change

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A medical college caught him. I wonder what that of doctor he was trying to become and how insurance coverage should he obtain?

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My children were both born in Thailand. I made sure to bring them to the US prior to starting school because of Thailand's poor education system.

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JeorlimeReply toJason

You've made a good decision.

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