Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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Is Obama the biggest fool in America ? No, the people who voted for Obama are the biggest fools, and they did it twice.

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Obama's complete disregard for the Constitution continues to get his as* in trouble. He just won't learn, just like his Ferguson bros.

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He's ONLY looking for ways that people will remember him when hes out of office.. Sad to say the least.. Whats wrong with this man?

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Fred Reply to holdnutight2

He's a freak of nature.

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he should name it "mt poverty" a perfect tribute to what he has done to so many of his followers

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It really doesn't matter...the Iranians will re-name it again in a few years.

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GD white think it should always be all about you and what you want. Times are a changing baby and you (white men) are going to be left out.

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gdunsmo Reply to womenscountry

Another post from aol. Lol

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redrdstr Reply to womenscountry

And you're better off as a black person because of Obama and democrat policies over the years? You can't see reality because of your blind allegiance to a mindset that has brought your race nothing but destitution and hatred for anything non-black. Knock that chip off your shoulder and open your eyes, maybe you will see what fools you have been to trust a political party to solve your problems. Hasn't worked out very well so far and if you continue to believe the garbage you're fed every election cycle, you'll continue to writhe in the same stew of suffering you've been in the last 60 years. Good luck with that.

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What an IDIOT!!! We have law officers being killed everyday here in this country, and not one word from him, but he feels changing the name of Mt. McKinley is important????

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so 0bozo is going to a bunch of poverty sticken villages to make things much worse

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I'm surprised he didn't rename it to Mt Obama

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he should name it "Mt. Negro"

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ConsR Morons Reply to d_hagen1

Morning Stupid.

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He wouldn't dare go to Alaska in the dead of winter when all of that water turns back into ice. He must sure hate D.C. , the engines of Air Force One haven't cooled yet from his vacation trip and there he goes again off community organizing. Dig Me everybody!

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David L. Dickey

Obama is nothing but an instigator. Just like Vietnam renaming Saigon to satisfy the communist. Matter of fact he hate us. Obama is the Manchurian Candiate. We don't know anything about him, except he "may" have been born in the USA. Then again, America, this is our fault for allowing such trash in the White House.

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And the number one AOL story for the day is...


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Obama, you really are a worthless POS. Have you not heard the latest from scientists? We're going into a mini ice age soon, and all your precious ice will be back and growing! Oceans will shrink, new shoreline exposed, and what was once off shore drilling, will be done on land. Your legacy is doomed to a short list of useless PC policy, cash for clunkers, trading five US enemies for a deserter, allowing the expansion of ISIS, worst post recession recovery in the history of the nation, and leaving the world in turmoil, and the US in more debt than it's ever seen. Your Presidential Library ought to look like a fun house of mistakes, and the laughing stock of the entire world.

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Obama is a joke

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The AH only cares about himself and will give away anything to gain even an insiginificant political advantage. transitionining the USA one piece at a time just like he promised all the other AH's that voted for Socialism/Communism that can't/won't pull their own weight.

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Don't get rid of the current maps just yet! When we get a real president in the WH the name can always be changed back!!!

Vietnam Combat Veteran 7/66-11/71

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i am a christian may God for give me i was some one would shoot oboma

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this man is truly BLACK

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As i read these comments my mind wanders back in time. I think "What ever became of the Nazi's, the KKK and other like minded groups. Did they just disappear? Did the same genes that executed 12 million in cold blood just vanish from humanity after WWII? Did the genes that burned black babies vanish after the Civil rights movement? Now I know. They are alive and well, living in America and posting on AOL. Bravely carrying the torch of their scum ******* racist ancestors. Raised by ill fit mothers who failed to equip them to deal with the 21st century. Sad but not surprising.

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kent9218 Reply to rubygroove


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historiker Reply to rubygroove

Well, the KKK became the Democratic Party and it works hard to keep minorities on its political plantation.

And as for making black babies vanish, that is the work of the Democrat's favorite organization -- Planned Parenthood. Well, to be honest, they don't just vanish, they get carved up for parts.

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