Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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Everyone in Alaska calls it, and has for years called it, Denali. No one, unless one is new to the state or ignorant, calls it McKinley.

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surprised he does not have his image carved into Mt. Rushmore

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"Mt. McNiggy"....

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"The Great One"-- Really??? Well, of course he did. I'm just surprised he didn't just rename it Mount Obama. But seriously, the first peoples have always called it Denali-- just Denali. If this is truly a nod to their heritage, he should have left off "Mount."

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Can we buy BO's contract and pay him to leave office now? I'll chip in $100.00 to get the bum, I mean the ball rolling! How can such a clown run the circus for so long and accomplish nothing except spending and wasting OUR money? $800 Billion for shovel ready and then laugh when he say's he couldn't find the shovels yet the money is GONE!

I have not seen such a failure by a human being in a position to do so much good for our country and its citizen's and watch as they fail in every area while dividing our country and its people in the process. BO, you had the opportunity handed to you to go down in history as one of our greatest President's. Now you'll go down in history as a BUM! SAD!

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