Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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Well Johnny Boehner, until you stand up to the "Bully in the White House", you can expect to keep getting punched in the gut (politically). The Constitution gives Congress (you) the power to stop a president who acts unconstitutionally, but you have decided to cower and be complicit. So America doesn't want to listen to a whiney wimp like yourself! Act to support and defend the Constitution - per the oath you swore to uphold!!!

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Wow, don't we have more to worry about than naming a mountain. Unreal.

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As soon as the new President is sworn in, everything that Obama has done should be immediately rescinded!!!!!

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Hope & Change? I certainly hope we get a big change. This idiot does nothing but destroy this country.

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truthspks Reply to Dave

I get such a kick out of uneducated poor ignorant Whites calling someone an idiot

You people are the some dumb SOB's.

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Dave Reply to truthspks

Speaking of idiots, you must be right up there. I didn't personally say anything against you but you seem to think I'm even white., poor and uneducated. Boy are you wrong. You must be the uneducated one if you like this guy. I suppose you get all kinds of freebies too. When was the last time you had a job and contributed to society? By your statement, I bet never. You're nothing but a racist. I don't like BO not because of his color but because of his actions. I think it's a terrible shame for the first person of color (don't forget he's half white and one quarter middle eastern) to be as bad as he is.

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Mary Lou

The Medium disgusts me, they put the captions backwards....just to get people riled up. WE the Americans renamed it in all of our arrogance. It was called Denali for years and years. Denali is NOT a NEW name !

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Huge change is coming in the last days of Obamas term,,,,,
HUGE CHANGE.!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What can you expect from a STUPID IDIOT PRES. who was born in Kenya. He is the worst pres. we ever had. He is worst than Jimmy Carter.

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truthspks Reply to biggergerl

Why don't you leave the country no ones stopping you.

You'll feel better and I'll pay for a one way ticket.

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Whites that want Obama out need to remember when they elected a POTUS not name d OBAMA, we had the DUMBEST POTUS of all time.....BUSH! Before that we had CLINTON, he like having extramarital SEX in the WHITE House.

We BLACKS are smarter now, we have LEARNED to READ& WRITE
Now we can TELL YOU what is right , who is right and "where to go"

You had your CHANCE to lead and all you did was to HURT all RACES except your own. Stop blacks from learning. Many were KILLED & RAPED and you will not make us FORGET by talking all the TIME, about stuff that doesn't matter. You are hiding the truth, We are CATCHING UP. Many WHITE MALES wanna start a RACE WAR. So they can DISCRIMINATE again, so they can LYNCH again.
You did DIRT & it has FOLLOWED you to 2015, its time to for minorities to RISE and take CONTROL for the good of everyone.

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Mary Lou Reply to ANICK

It sounds like you will do to "them" what you think they did to you. Women and children should be added to your list of the abused.

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por930 Reply to ANICK

obama is the worst president in history, pity you're too dumb to realize that.

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In my town ppl like obummer have named two differant streets mlk.. But the last one everybody still calls it broadway ..... How dumb can u get having two differant streets named the same thing ...... Geeeezzzzzz.

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OOOPPPSSSS. Do I see yet another Congressional investigation on the horizon?? I wonder What Darrell Issa is doing and if he may be able to tie the Denali scandal to Hillary??? Or maybe we should shut the government down until the name reverts!!! Get to work Boehner and McConnell, there is work to be done...

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I absolutely love it way to go President Obama.

Judging from the comments all the hate filled racist bigots are about to drop dead from a heart attack.

Let them eat cake, LoL

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So Nero is fiddling again while Rome burns ,the Liberals are making their various excuses and the trolls are out in force insulting everyone who disagrees with Obama's actions !! One more year and these Liberals will be back under their rocks and we will have a real president !!! Dump the Chumps ,Vote for Trump !!!

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vobox3343 Reply to hoofy53

A dirty person with shabby clothes and a pony tail usually missing teeth and stoned. These people are seen walking or hitch-hiking because a) they cannot afford a car, b) no one would pick them up because they would steal your pot.

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Geeze you racist haters make me sick to my stomach. The fricken' mountain is in Alaska, not god forsaken Ohio. And McKinley didn't deserve the "honor" in the first place.

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hoofy53 Reply to ehrg1

So now you Liberals feel secure enough to insult Ohio , a Democrat state ?? Very interesting !! And did you know that calling everyone that disagrees with Obama's actions a racist is a serious Psychological malfunction ?? You really need to see a psychiatrist !!

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vobox3343 Reply to hoofy53

To have feet which resemble that of a horse or similar animal.

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Big deal! Johnson changed Cape Canaveral to Cape Kennedy then it was changed back to Cape Canaveral. Besides, it was the Alaska Geographic Board who designated the name change. Cry yourselves rivers if you desire.

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Why our President decides to act like a spoiled child is anyone's guess.

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ConsR Morons Reply to t27

I can show you an angry little child. You got a mirror handy?

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ConsR Morons

Cons, is there ANY chance you children might grow up in the near future?

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just play golf and go on tax-payer paid vacations till your presidency is over

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truthspks Reply to kap234

Boy I bet it burns your sorry White azz up to see President Obama get off Air Force One.


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misterfrog Reply to truthspks

You Mr or MS black person, are correct, it does burn my azz to see the jerk getting of Air force one. It out rages me to see his ugly portrait hung at the VA. He is a POS!

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Narcissist that he is, I guess we should be happy he's not changing it to Mt. Obama

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This jacka-- will do anything to America but leave.

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