Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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He will leave no stone unturned as to what he can replace or hinder , before it is his time to leave,
Statues, monuments, American history of any sort... Obamanation is one horrible piece of chit !
His deep hate of all things- American offends the living hell out of me. And I have been an American a hell of a lot longer than this black boy from kenya..!! Fight -fight- fight .. it is all black people know..and they love it. You do not even have to do anything wrong..They are mentally inferior and always will be.
He needs to move to where he can live in a hut with a spear..
.with a towel around his large ears and empty Grey head.Do not be surprised if he decides to rename America to Obamaland..!!

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Not surprising.

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Just another political stunt by a President that has been a total failure in office. His legacy is that he has become a punchline.

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Blacks will never evolve...

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When one observes the comments about the President on these pages, it is a visual of Fox News crossed with Limbaugh. It has taken the efforts of liberal minded Americans to drag us out of the robber baron society of the 19th century where working people had nothing but the clothes on their backs, the debt to the company store and the prospect of a fairly short and impoverished life span. There was no American Dream for the mass of us.
Now we have the GOP and its supporters who want to take us backwards to the "good old days." Ignorance is a disease that is alive and well.

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watch, 0bozo will get stuck in the ice like all the other loons do

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there is no words left to sat about this awful man

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Blacks will never evolv

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Don Stephens

Surprised he doesn't name it Mt. Sharpton. Next, he will want to change the name of the Black Hills due to the obvious racial connotation. What a piece of crap.

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Blacks will never evolve. Like obama never evolve......

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he should have named it after his administration Mt Failure

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Google the words: Worst President since WWII

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this guy is such an embarrassment as a President and you jokers voted for him twice!!

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How stupid are we. Obama doesn't care - he was nothing but an inner city activist. He couldn't care less about most things. Never did - only the agenda of an inner city activist.
The rest of the country can go to hell.

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pdbliz Reply to 1234


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What an idiotic addition to changing the name he now will cost the taxpayers (Fed and state to spend hundred's of thousands...if not millions to update signs, maps, etc.

Jan 20th 2017 can not happen soon enough.
Then the mountain can be renamed to honor his legacy...Mt Epic Fail....

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What's the problem?
The mulatto chimp is King.

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Dick Hardagain

Why doesn't he just name it after himself and call it Mt McNiggy ?

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seenyorlibtard Reply to Dick Hardagain

Has a nice ring to it.

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Why do people from Ohio even care? This has nothing to do with them whatsoever. The mountain has had the name for Denali for centuries, and the only reason why it's not known as such on maps is because Ohioans are throwing hissy fits for no real reason other than the fact that McKinley was from their state.

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Why do people from Ohio even care? This has nothing to do with them whatsoever. The mountain has had the name for Denali for centuries, and the only reason why it's not known as such on maps is because Ohioans are throwing hissy fits for no real reason other than the fact that McKinley was from their state.

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Coming soon to AMERICA a name change in the white house.

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