How to spot if society is DOOMED: Researchers reveal the signs that show civilization is set to collapse

Cheyenne Macdonald For

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The clearest sign is the higher the REMOANER percentage vote, the more likely society is doomed
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Survival will not go to the most intelligent nor the most physically perfect of our species...Survival will go to the most adaptable of our species...wherever that may lead us.
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Magnet4redarrowsReply toCharles
Remember the biblical saying, 'The meek shall inherit the earth!' Who are the meek? Smaller species that seem to survive cataclysm while their larger cousins die out? But about human kind, should I be politically incorrect and comment on welfare recipients (the meek), regardless of actual need?
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If the liberals keep on helping the thousands of potential fighters at Calais. Next they will be given weapons. We cannot help others with troubles by allowing them into our own home. That is recipe for disaster.
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Read this website for a week and you;ll be in no doubt.
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brian r
soundsrather like wstern society is doomed
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This is very relevant.. to people living in Neolithic societies. However for people living in western liberal civilisation there are MUCH MUCH significant indicators of impending collapse. The rise of Leftist politics which rewards mediocrity, the policing of thought to avoid triggering proponents of ideas which cannot survive critical scrutiny, the tolerance of things and ideologies that should not be tolerated.
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and this is a portrait of exactly how the EU operates
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Simply - Greed and Over Population.
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DMnemesisReply toJohn
And a bunch of medieval nut cases running around with modern technologies murdering people.
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Peter Hood
One obvious clue lies in the availability and consumption of water. Angkor Wat seems to have suffered a shortage and then sharp decline, as did a sophisticated north India culture. Either the Pueblo culture or a related pre Mexican culture seems to have suffered this fate. Over expansion at the expense of resources is the mallet like clue above the head.
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J. D. Unwin - Studied the fall of the major civilisations and numerous tribes. His conclusions would not make liberals very happy. Everyone needs to research his works if the west is to have a chance of surviving.
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Mike58Reply toTimmy2Much
And if he were alive today he would point to the EU as a prime example of how extreme liberalism destroys society and say "Told you so". Another good example to get out. Thanks for reminding me of that.
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All you have to do is read Will Durant's hefty tome History of Civilization Book 1 and it details the rise and fall of all the great civilizations!
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It has come down to the US election , and everyone knows it , Clinton gets in and its curtains if Trump wins the world has a chance , Mainland Europe is gone and will never recover from Merkel's madness , the UK still has a chance but will depend on a Trump win , as for us we were sold out by stealth
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Wild Irish Rose
If the Kardashians are role models and someone who defended a child r4pist is a presidential candidate.
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A debt based economy with high taxation and extortionate infrastructure use run by the greediest people on the planet is the usual recipe for economic meltdown.
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soc williamsReply toPrivateSi
Sh-t Australia is rooted.
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CynicalsidReply toPrivateSi
Got it in a very short statement my friend.
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Every 4-500 years or so, there is a major shift in world views, sometimes it can be seriously damaging and lead to major problems, and even war, it can be driven by sudden environmental or religiuos change. We are due for another soon.
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History repeats itself and human beings NEVER learn. We are all born flawed.
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StuReply toMillymollymandy73
I only have one flaw - so I guess that makes me a bungalow.
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We are being conditioned for disclosure.
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We didn't need a study, just watch the news, the likes of the Jeremy Kyle show, the nastiness on social media, there you have your answer about where society is going.
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Turning on each other probably isn't particularly helpful, either.
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What do they mean by "a socio-ecological trap where strong reinforcing behaviour and a lack of innovation prevents adaptation"? Failing to follow the salmon upstream? Refusing to try crop rotation? Dependence on the cotton gin or fossil fuel? Be nice to have some examples, neolithic and modern.
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Mark UrielReply toViolet
I was a little unclear on that point too. I get the basic idea, but yeah some examples would have been nice. How it relates to the term "flickering" is a bit mysterious as well.
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