US navy destroyer sails past Chinese islands in latest show of force in South China Sea


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Invalid Username
I've had it with China. No more Chinese takeout until they capitulate..
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Hardly a 'show of force' ..... just making their presence known .. loud and clear
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luigi pasquali
I remember the first destroyer we sent there to keep the shipping lanes open. It sailed right in the middle of war games being practiced by the China Navy and its partners, the Australian and Indonesian Navies.
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M D Johnson
You should allow us to delete multiple posts, your site said it never went threw and or it did not show up quickly! This is my second attempt with this post, whats up now?
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Wi Tu Nir
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Invalid Username
Don't worry, folks. I'm sure it's nothing that Chickenhawk In-chief Barry and the warmongering HIldebeast can't escalate into WW3.
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The Master_Don
The rainbow warrior in chief used the big guns to frighten China. He had them blast those islands with YMCA.
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Invalid UsernameReply toThe Master_Don
Better yet, "In the Navy".
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The Philippines have shown middle finger to Obama.
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M D Johnson
Blame DM for my multiple posts it said it never went throught!
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M D Johnson
You should allow us to delete multiple posts, your site said it never went threw and or it did not show up quickly!
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