Inside Apple's top secret iPhone factory: Tech giant provides a glimpse of huge Chinese plant where 50,000 pink-jacketed staff are subjected to facial recognition, metal detectors and daily roll calls

Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline

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The only thing worth slaving for is the creation of machinery to free these individuals from this tyranny.
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Now you know what TTIP will look like........
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You stand straight employee 349563, you get back to work and make more stuff for western dogs o you no get sausage stick!
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Fans of Capitalism keep on reminding us that without companies such as apple these poor souls would have been lost in universe!
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bankofdadReply tosam
Not lost.......just jobless................cheers
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KeygripReply tosam
Did you write your comment with your APPLE IPHONE? Hypocrite Much?
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Shame this huge profit making American company doesn't use American labour to assemble their products instead of supporting communist China
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arronReply totonyn
and the cost of an iphone would soar even more
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Tee DeeReply totonyn
No, because it would not be possible to buy them on the subsistence salaries Apple wants to pay the workers. And Americans wouldn't tolerate having to live in dorms and otherwise devote their lives to their company. Apple would have to cut their obscene profits. They have become so rich that they can tell the US government what they will and will not do, while hiding $11 Billion dollars in taxes owed in each of the last four years overseas. Not right.
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gr8galReply totonyn
You'd be the first to complain when iPhone cost goes beyond your budget wouldn't you?
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Arthur Fraynberg
We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control. Hey! Production line manager, leave those C hinese people alone
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In all those photos of all those people I could find only two smiles. Both were during breaks and only one was a full on smile. Where they are lined up ready for work their faces just seem to show they are sadly resigned to their lot in life. Such a shame.
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PickleReply toTalulabelle
Probably like that for a lot of people all over the world!
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This sort of work conditions are exactly what the workers in EU do not wish and USA is trying hard to make EU countries to accept the work treaty made in USA.
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ChrisS3Reply tosam
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The true face of communism.
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I'm h-a-p-p-y, I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm h-a-p-p-y.
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Just So ...
Bless them...
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Looks like a fun place to work. I bet they leap out of bed every morning filled with anticipation of their working day.
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Looks nice and clean. Where I work is full of social climbers, back stabbers and incompetents. I would love to come in, do my work, have a couple of sausage sticks and go home without being hassled.
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WazzupReply toBushcraft
OMG, you work in the same firm as me? Look up. I'm standing up in the blue shirt and tie.
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BushcraftReply toBushcraft
Wazzup. My boss has two tasks, the first is to make sure I don't stop working & the second is to present my work as if it was his own work & ideas. I would love to look up from my desk, but if I do I know my boss'll make a note of it for my monthly appraisal!
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No secrets, make minimal changes to new iOS and design; upgrade camera abilities; introduce new feature like interchangeable memory cards, and make a slightly larger version. Release Rinse Repeat.
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all smoking mirrors
N wonder Chinese , Indian and Philiponese people are moving here on masse
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The Awkward Squad
Terrible vision from hell. Looks like a scene from Soylent Green. Disposable soon to be edible "Human Resources". Unstoppable Corporate Slavery.
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Big Brother is watching you.
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My vote goes
That's how the govt want it to be here.
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I Phone Lovers,,,,,, Love Apple , more than People!
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DennisReply topeeps
It is naive to think that Samsung of HTC factories are much different.
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Any shots of the nets around the roof where they throw themselves to their death?
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