Inside Apple's top secret iPhone factory: Tech giant provides a glimpse of huge Chinese plant where 50,000 pink-jacketed staff are subjected to facial recognition, metal detectors and daily roll calls

Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline

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dingo doo
just like amazon treats there ermployees in the uk, monitored on camera and gps tag all day, no freedom to a life
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This is how the EUSSR wants its subjects to become !
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reminds me of amazon,and sports directs conditions.
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Nic Crovaix
I Phone. I Robot.
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gamepadReply toNic Crovaix
best 2015 tv series.
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Welcome to you all, to the NWO future.
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If one day they can get the robots to do the jobs cheaper they will not hesitate!
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der kaiser
the new dark satanic mills
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Well they all look really happy. A picture says a thousand words.
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Paid Slaves...
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It looks akin to a prison facility, they do not look happy at all.
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Don't you have an impression WE ALL are slaves addicted to that product?
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squidawrd_tenticlasReply toMeever
I have an HTC my friend
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They look so miserable, I wonder what their employee engagement is like?
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The whole world needs liberating, this is the model for the new world they want for the few left.
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Dr Greenthumb
Looks more like a POW camp that a workplace
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Do all you fools really think it is any different for other companies such as Samsung, HTC etc? They all get their parts from these kinds of factories, along with many other everyday items you gladly covet, buy and use.
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The nets that are in place to stop killing themselves pretty much tells you the kind of place it is, also more to the point, NOT one smiling face, all you people who have iphones, you are responsable for this !!, HAPPY NOW !!
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Geez the human race are going to be an unattractive species in the future.
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InternalServerErrorReply toCOXON. BREWSTER
Stop looking in the mirror.
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Your little "lifestyle" device has the same enslavement in mind it's just you thought it was a lifestyle "choice". Glossy facade, stinky kitchen.
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whats sad is so many young people who have the potential to do something great are never given the chance to do so.
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