UK Targets ISIS Bunker With Royal Air Force’s Largest Bombs

ABC News

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While Obama was sleeping.

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steveReply toWilliam

Uh, no William. At the 19th hole with his Hollywood buds...

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larryReply toWilliam

he has been sleeping for 7 years+

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LisaReply toWilliam

your an idiot

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JohnBReply toWilliam

Know he's been reading "My Pet Goat". Oh...wait a minute.

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EJ Moneybags

I know on the surface it seems sad, but the reality is most of those "civilians" were probably on their way to migrate under Obama, into the US, get govt. jobs, blow up their co-workers, and be forensically defined as "lone wolfs" committing "workplace violence" with "no motive" the DOJ could ascertain.

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OskarReply toEJ Moneybags

really an infantile comment. 6th grade must be too tough for you.

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When you have headache, stomachache pills do not help. Largest bomb cannot help. Drop bombs on ideology who make this people act like that.

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DickReply toMamba

Or you simply cut a snake's head off

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Just remember sheeple, the US and UK created ISIS. It was their plan, their funding. For whatever reason. Just go research the statements. Was it to aid Israel? The just destabilize the whole region? To make sure the oil producers stayed on the petrodollar (Kadafi was killed because he tried to back his currency with gold)

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Yep. And Obama lets our guys bring their bombs back with them. Worthless President.

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For those of you that "thumbs down".... facts are facts. Our guys risk their lives and don't get to drop their loads. Wise up.

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RickReply toZELMO

You apparently don't know the meaning of the word fact. Isis has been losing ground and some of the top leaders including the head of finance, who was high up on Ws deck of card, have been on the receiving end of the bombing campaign. This is according to the Pentagon.

Now turn off Faux News and stop proving Joseph Goebbles right.

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Zelmo! ura moron!

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johnReply toZELMO

Rick, Talking about yourself "GENIUS" Where in Iraq????? NOT SYRIA PIN HEAD. Watch MSNBC with its other two viewers. BOZO & Bumbling Joe.

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johnReply toZELMO


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Hey VET I'm a Vet also, the military type, not a cat doctor. Have a great day guy.

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This is funny #$%$! Ok, on one hand the UK & USA welcome Islamic immigrants with open arms, come on in, set up shop, do your worse, we don't mind, then with the other hand they go and drop bombs on the same Islamic immigrants they welcome into their homes, laughs, You gotta luv the hypocrisy.....

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CharlesReply toMatthew

ever been to grade school ? ? ?

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If religious fanaticism is the enemy of democracy, why aren't we targeting Christians too?

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Profit MohamidReply toSteven

apples to oranges, bro...

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StevenReply toSteven

17 million Muslims, native americans, and eurpoeans killed during the inquisition period, all dead by Christian hands. 3 million others killed by Muslims. How is it apples and oranges? Both are killing people for denying their god (oddly, Muslims and Christains are praising the same god). By any reasonable person view, it looks the same. But the introduction of religion removes reason from a person thought processes.

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Profit MohamidReply toSteven

steven - first of all, there weren't 17 million people killed during the inquisition... secondly, 90% of the native americans were wiped out by the same diseases that killed around 40% of the Europeans in the 15th century... diseases that originated in China... thirdly, that was 500 phokin years ago AND long before the establishment of the modern, western European view that it's wrong to just conquer people and steal all their stuff... 500 years ago, conquering people, stealing their stuff and enslaving the locals was considered a GOOD THING to do... times have changed... Islam hasn't...

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StevenReply toSteven

17 million native americans, muslims and europeans. I was not referring to just the people killed during the inquisition. But I'll break it down in bite size pieces for you.

An exact count doesn't exist but estimates are 332,00 in Spain. 291,000 in France. 342,000 in Italy, greece and germany, 124,000 in the brittish isles.

The crusades. There are conflicting numbers but it is somewhere between 2.7 and 7.6 million muslims killed for Christ.

There were nearly 9 million natives slaughtered...pardon me. given the choice "convert or die". Then there were the uncounted Africans who faced the same choice.

#$%$ moron.

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EJ Moneybags

What does Saudi Arabia do with all the US Fighter jets Obama has given them? (what, you bought $400 worth of Michael Moore books/tapes and this is news to you?)

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BillReply toEJ Moneybags

moron alert

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EJ MoneybagsReply toEJ Moneybags

Thanks for the warning Bill.. You never know when some "moron" may actually take the time to post onto another poster's thread, but then have absolutely nothing coherent to say, add, or even debate..I'll keep a watchful eye for one of those "morons"..

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BillReply toEJ Moneybags

Nice try, moron, but you reached too far.

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The headline SHOULD read: "UK Breeds More Terrorists With Royal Air Force’s Largest Bombs."

Thanks a lot,'re fighting the wrong battle with the wrong methods and the wrong gear. All y'all are really doing is wasting time, money and, more importantly, lives.

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JOHNReply topj

O.K. "genius", tell the world how it should be done- I'm sure the United Nations would welcome your expertise in dealing with terrorism..

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wingReply topj

I didn't hear anything from the Tartars and other ethnic groups that were exiled by Stalin. They sucked it up for half a century.

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Profit MohamidReply topj

I always wonder if, back during WW II, there were idiots like pj suggesting that we were just 'creating more not seez' by fighting them? lol

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Great, i am glad they throw 1 bomb a year. Some vicious military campaign right there.

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peter kingReply toCalibra

armchair pratt!

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MargaretReply toCalibra

Calibra the tvvat faced wanka.

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DavidReply toCalibra

Actually thousands of bombs have been dropped.

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lee bReply toCalibra

Glad to hear from you Calibra, now, those pizza boxes won't fold themselves. Get to work!

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MargaretReply toCalibra

Glad you like them.

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Unless they dropped nukes it isn't their largest bombs.

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Senior MomentReply tolarry

The nukes are missiles carried on five very powerful submarines, the RAF doesn't carry nukes these days

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JohnReply tolarry

At last!! Someone recognizes the difference. Well Done!!

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Nice work my British cousins. If only Obama had the nuts to do so, we could maybe win this out quickly.

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DReply toJames

Everything is coordinated and under command of a US commander and Obama is Commander in Chief. Go back under your rock.

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JonReply toJames

^ Exactly. Us is dropping more bombs than other coalition forces combined. Obama is ordering these strikes. Hate Obama if you like but stop being an idiot and saying bogus things.

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JamesReply toJames

You obviously don't keep up with the air campaign over there. A single U.S. Carrier group has dropped three times as much ordinance from it's two fighter wings(about 40 aircraft) than all of the other air forces involved combined. You could even say these British Tornadoes were dropping American bombs because those are American made bombs lol.

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AmericanReply toJames

James is a dumb


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JamesReply toJames

@ American no he is just dumb and uninformed. Talking smack on our Mighty Pharaoh Barrack HUSSAIN Osama err I mean Obama doesn't make you a republican, it makes you an aware individual because he is a horrid leader. If you can call him that, he just does whatever the Sultan of Saudi Arabia wants anyways. Can somebody say, Lapdog?

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Vulture CapitalistReply toJames

@james, Don't worry! Soon America will being doing even less, based on what Trump has said.

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JamesReply toJames

@Vulture I don't think we have any business over there at all, didn't in 2003 and still don't now. Let them all kill each other seriously. Then the last surviving clan, rebel group, or government can sort through the bodies.

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Liberals are Pathetic

And Obama the clown was last seen playing golf.

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SteveReply toLiberals are Pathetic

You are pathetic.

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MichaelReply toLiberals are Pathetic

So pathetic.

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Mr. MajestykReply toLiberals are Pathetic

and an idiot

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MikeR in L.A.Reply toLiberals are Pathetic

Pitiful and ignorant attempt at humor?

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JSReply toLiberals are Pathetic

just another toothless old depends wearing white hater, move along folks

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DavidReply toLiberals are Pathetic

Sure, and Bush never golfed when thousands of Americans were coming home mangled or in body bags. At least Obama is forcing the Iraqi's to do the house to house fighting.

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AnonReply toLiberals are Pathetic

Shouldn't it be "Obozo the Clown"?

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RobertKReply toLiberals are Pathetic

Such juvenile "nicknames" are growing old. You should give up such lowly behavior, particularly since President Obama is almost finished with his final term. And then you can enjoy it when Hillary Clinton becomes the next president for two terms.

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MarianReply toLiberals are Pathetic

Bozo, Bozo, always laughs, never frowns.

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MarianReply toLiberals are Pathetic

This is about the British, not Obama.

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Yeah but we the people, unless the pilots are reading this aren't the ones the committed to this. I want to hear other news.

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Was there any Isis fighters eliminated or was this a mission just to destroy tunnels, the article doesn't clarify exact results , maybe just a bragging session on bunker busters for the good old UK

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JohnReply toGBW

You expect the authorities will give you the number of casualties? Pass the KoolAid

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DougReply toGBW

How do you count the number of cockroaches buried under tons of rock .

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Mr H

Way to go UK!! If we just had a few more so called "allies" that would really help our efforts we could finally get he upper hand on these lunatics......I love you Brits.....

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Thank you. Put ISIS out of business in Syria , Iraq, Yemen. Boko Haram needs to be wiped out too. ISIS should be considered common enemy of the world

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It's about time the British PM (DC) got the RAF involved with the EPW III against ISIS! They have been slow in the past. And I am a Brit myself.

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EJ MoneybagsReply toRobert

It's nice to see them engage, too, but all humanity stills owe a debt of gratitude, and nobody held down the fort as did you guys/RAF did Vs. The Blitz of WW2.. :)

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JohnReply toRobert

I'm a Brit too. Robert, you might want to check the news back Home, No more "refugees " from God Know where!!

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All of syria in complicit in isis. They failed to fight the enemy and fled. Bomb them all.

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Can't we just nuke the entire Middle East just kill all these psycos from Somali to Iran , Iraq, Saudi and target the royal family , Siria,Libia and any other sub human terrorist filled cesspool from North Africa on up to Iran..!! Nuke em all plow them under and make the entire place a beautiful getaway or an animal shelter for All the poor animals now homeless...!

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RobinReply toBlackwatch

And people wonder why so many in the Middle East hate us.

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mos'Reply toBlackwatch


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MustafaReply toBlackwatch

No you can't, and there are two reasons for that, first, Christians are not that brave and secondly, that means bringing the third world war, and if that war comes, having no amount of atomic or nuclear bombs will save Christian countries from Muslims. They can hardly struggle with 50,000 ISIS soldiers, so how are you expecting them to take down 1.5 billion Muslims? Do not trust in your technical weapons, every kind of nuclear weapons and fully prepared troops also exist in Muslim countries. Even today in case of a great war the whole of Christian countries will be destroyed with massive damage. So when you Christians make a statement, let it be realistic, but you can't be, as for 500 years in the middle ages, you were and have presently been following the corrupted Bible and killing Scientists who were claiming the Earth to be round shaped because they were going against the Bible which says it is flat, Do not even attempt to show Christianity and Christians as "innocents'', because you are not.

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jasonReply toBlackwatch

LOL "nuke the entire middle east from Somalia to Iran".

Neither of those countries is in the middle east.

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jasonReply toBlackwatch

Hitler tried to nuke the middle east?

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BlackwatchReply toBlackwatch

Get a map out moron...

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ElwoodReply toBlackwatch

sounds like a plan

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JosephReply toBlackwatch

why do people even think this way? ..This unfortunately is a common refrain. The world is not black and white. Only a small percentage of any population are the trouble makers. There are women and children and suppressed free thinkers. They are not all of one voice.

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AnalystReply toBlackwatch


I do not think this statement you are referring to is one from a Christian, or at least, it does not represent Christian principles so I think it is not correct what you say. We are taught to turn the other cheek and certainly to look after the innocent.

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RobertKReply toBlackwatch

Joseph, your comment is well stated.

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JohnReply toBlackwatch

You Abu, are a delusional dolt...

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JohnReply toBlackwatch

That was for Mooostafa

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MarianReply toBlackwatch

Oh I thought it was for Mooshell.

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RobinReply toBlackwatch

Joseph, it's easier for them to just categorize people and dismiss them than having to really think.

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BlackwatchReply toBlackwatch

Jason the moron did you get a map out yet to see how dumb you are...!!

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BlackwatchReply toBlackwatch

Why think this way really???? If these sub humans from the MIDDLE EAST GOT A NUKE I ASSURE UOU THEY WOULD USE IT IDIOTS!!!!!

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