Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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OBAMA needs to get his azz out of the white house. he can always rename a ant hill over him if he wants i have one in my back yard i keep knocking down.

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What a fecal; head Obama is.!!!!

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Good Grief!!! Surely there are more pressing issues for the president to tend to than this!!!

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What a dopey report. President McKinley did not visit Alaska probably because 1) he was assassinated, 2) it was not a state when he was killed, 3) to travel to Alaska in 1900 would have been difficult (no planes yet). And does one have to visit some place to have it named after you? How about all those things named after John F Kennedy, Lincoln, Washington (Washington State for example)?

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Stan's bizmail

Let me first make this clear....Obama , to me, is the most dispicable POS on earth....however....the renaming of the mountain is much more of an act about the Alaskans than about anything else, as it is THEIR name for it, meaning,what did it say?Tall Place of something....well, maybe his for the first time....I think this was not a stab in America's back.....

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I think Obama is trying to make a record for himself ... one that says "I was the first sitting president to ...." and making changes no one asked for.

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And speaking of name changes - please change Hoover Dam back to its original name - Boulder Dam.

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b.shagnasty Reply to David

He won't do THAT. He's already been to that state.

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So who are the retards that think it's a Muslim name? Raise you feet!!

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animatedpsyche Reply to Jose

LOL-they can't, they are too busy breathing through their pieholes.

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ConsR Morons

Another day another group of conservative crybabies.

Don't you monkeys ever take a day off from complaining?

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b.shagnasty Reply to ConsR Morons

The only douche I see crying is you.
Mom must have already left for work.

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Melek Reply to ConsR Morons

No, there are more black people out of work now than ever before, I'm sure they're shedding some tears too.

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Denali = "The High One"...Obviously Obama thought it's about him.

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This Scumbag SOB is ruining our legacy at every level possible. Thank you to all you Socialist loving Scumbags that put this POS in office, your as guilty of treason as Barry is !!!

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ConsR Morons Reply to Moose

You're quite welcome.

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Coming from the man who is "remaking America," transsexuals in the military, allowing illegals to flood the country, driving us to debt, I'm assuming the next step will be the sandblasting of Washington and Jefferson off Mt. Rushmore and adding him and Michelle on there. This person and his ilk will do everything possible to ensure we become Balkanized based upon whatever grievance group there is.

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Surprised that PopStar MESSiah didn't name it after himself, since there are three youth indoctrination centers (formerly known as 'public schools') with his name on them. Eventually Washington D.C. will be renamed PopStar MESSiahgrad.

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Maybe republican haters should do their research before talking out of their asses but once again thats what they do. They never will learn.. Hey you find those WMD's Yet ?

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The name should not have been changed in the first place, I support this , not for Obama sake but for native Alaska people who had to see it change before all of you we born, thanks, this is a right thing to do..

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J.P. Craig

And to think all these right-wing-nut trolls are supporting the xenophobic, misogynistic, narcissistic, megalomaniac, racist, bigoted, imbecile, birther. AKA: Donald Trump.

That means your opinion means nothing, nothing at all.

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First, President McKinley never visited Alaska, second...why not after the heritage of the people that live and settled the area....I don't find that unreasonable.

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The Spanish Jew

he has his pen, and he is above the law, he does what he want's.

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DSSP04 Reply to The Spanish Jew

and hilary has the same mind set

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desertrse1 Reply to The Spanish Jew

Just like Bush, huh?

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Shut up you stupid creep. Get out of OUR white house already, and take that old ass Biden with you.

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