Alaska-bound, Obama faces backlash on Mt. McKinley renaming

The Associated Press JOSH LEDERMAN | Aug 31st 2015 6:24AM

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and pow, the real issue has been obscured.

All of you anti Obama idiots need to put you clan hoods on, and get together, With no logical complains, and your constant, 'My country, my country', crying like a baby that lost a toy under the couch, instead of actually doing something to better things,


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He goes out of his way to anger people.

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Another great thing Mr. Obama has done while in office.Republicans complain but if it was a Bush that did this they would be applauding their asses off and everybody in America knows it.McKinley did nothing in office that makes him worthy of a monument like this mountain,it was done to appease the political hacks in DC who hailed from Ohio. it was done over the wishes of an entire Alaskan population.thank goodness the wishes of the people have now been realized and the name of Mckinley can now join the other non descript ex Presidents in oblivian where they came from.

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Oh boy he is addressing another world shaking, urgent, situation. That's about all he is capable of handling.

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With the world on fire he comes to Alaska to rename a Mountain. ???

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J.P. Craig Reply to Perry

Ted Cruz has you right where he wants you and so does FOX GOP right-wing-nut propaganda so called news.

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J's Damsel Reply to Perry

His priorities are different than the rest of us.

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Obama is an idiot and he can not have any effect on climate change except with ignorant environmentalists. Work on cleaning up our lakes and rivers - that makes more sense. Climate change is simply cyclic reaction to natural events.

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Obama is all about disrespect for conquerors. He has worked at destroying all that deserves respect, family, education, pride in your work. During his time as president the median income of the bush era was $28605 in 2000, now it is 28900 but because of inflation it is actually a loss of over $10,000. Less people have jobs, less have full time jobs and more people live off the 3.6 people of 10 who pay income tax. During the great depression many were without work and there were government programs but you had to work at things that would make america better. How is the US better now. When was the last time we were called the leaders of the free world?

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What an idiot...

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ConsR Morons

Cons, I bought the world's largest Kleenex over the weekend just for you children.

Now, wipe your eyes, and blow your noses.

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This is just another bag-o-crap like whimpering until the Rebel flag was taken down !! You can always make a long winded excuse to stop,change or accept anything but that doesn't make it right !! Is any of these dumb azz moves going to change how mustard tastes or feed the poor or pay the National Debt down ...Of course not !! I guess when you can't stop the Titanic from sinking you start painting the deck chairs top make it look like you are doing something !!

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J's Damsel Reply to hoofy53

Well said

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He is determined to do what ever he can to ruin this Country more than he has now before he leaves.

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J.P. Craig

Long overdue. President Obama has the guts to do what other presidents failed to do.

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J's Damsel Reply to J.P. Craig


He has no guts.

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bak15143 Reply to J.P. Craig

President O'Traitor has the audacity to tour the world, during his last year in office. He is on a "working vacation", gathering "firsts" to put in his new autobiography: "Leaving Legacies".

Wake up! Other presidents actually did their jobs, during their last year in office.
This twit is traveling on "our dime" and on "our time".

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That piece of chit muslum!!

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ernie, you're a LIAR. We know your game. LIE on BLACKS, Lie on any minority. We have seen the worst POTUS and they are not black.Your race clouds your facts. I'm a black mathematician, maybe I can help you become competent in education. Your post reminds me of the writing from special ed kids or the retarded. You should crawl under a rock. Many of your PEOPLE add HATE into all you do

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Obama is the worst president ever,he hates the country he hates white people,he hates women and hes a muslim

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Obama is like the KICK ME kid in your class who only gets attention by tweaking others and then crying victim when they react violently to him.

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Haters will always hate, you can't change them. The conservatives love war not peace. because there's no money in peace. They refuse to believe climate change because there's no money it that either.

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J's Damsel Reply to Bill

Aww... look, an ob snob lover.

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Obama, just an idiot trying to screw up history. I'm surprised he is not trying this beautiful mountain Mt Obama..

Obama worry about the real issues in this country and leave the mountain alone.

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J.P. Craig

The Trumpies are out in force today. That's obvious.

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pdbliz Reply to J.P. Craig


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mickylitz2 Reply to J.P. Craig

JP Craig,,,

That's a good thing, they may finally succeed at drowning the Obamies azz kissers.

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Why is this Obozo clown allowed to do whatever he wants to do?? Shame on this A hole and those who support him

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