The crimson shore: How the residents of the Faroe Islands are continuing the shameful slaughter of pilot whales despite disgust from the rest of Europe

Daily Mail Reporter

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These people take away natural empathy from their kids at an early age and the result is a community where cruelty is the norm.
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This is disgusting! Look at the children joining in! Its just plain wrong. They need a check up from the neck up!
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I was campaigning against this over 35 years ago. Heartbreaking.
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Reading this article and seeing these photos makes me ashamed to be human.. so sad :-(
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Backward people.
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Barbaric behaviour
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Danny Streetman
I am sick of hearing that cultural heritage is an excuse for these behaviours. We do not burn witches anymore and these practices should stop. Future generations will look back in utter dismay at our treatment of animals.
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No self respecting human with any conscience could deem this acceptable. Utterly vile behaviour and there are children witnessing this too. People are actually smiling at this slaughter. Sickens me.
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people who do this are heartless and disgusting
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what the hell is this BS, seriously primitive.
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Santas Little Helper
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I'm disgusted at the thought of people chasing a round of cheese down a hill......and don't even get me started on Morris Dancers!
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Jon Burrows
Bloodthirsty loons. This should be banned.
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I think that this is sad and disgusting, how we humans can just go and kill any living creature that we want because we think its "OK", well its not OK, we are killing our world as we know it, little by little, our children will never have the glory of having everything that we once took for granted, may God have mercy on us for all the damage we are doing to the earth!!!!!!
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They key word, SENTIENT creatures. A death sentence on all these bastads involved.
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Big man moving
2016 and a nation is still doing this, how embarrassing for them
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What disgusting people. Are the Danes proud of their cousins?
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how disgusting ,, they should all be ashamed of themselves,,
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The guy in the blood soaked Che Guevara tee shirt is is like cognitive dissonance personified which from an purely objective perspective turns irony into art. A man slaughtering whales, wearing a tee shirt bearing the blood splattered image of a man who slaughtered people who in turn is idolised by the same people who complain about the whales being killed.
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barbaric, there is no need for this ritual in this day and age. let them be.
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