The crimson shore: How the residents of the Faroe Islands are continuing the shameful slaughter of pilot whales despite disgust from the rest of Europe

Daily Mail Reporter

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Absolutely disgusting
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Big X
This has to stop. It's absolutely inhuman.
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Butchers murderers Disgusting,this is the 21st Century not the dark ages this act of cold blooded killing of innocent mammals has to stop and made illegal.
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These poor backward people someone should tell them its 2016
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Anaphylaxis by sushi
If I pay them some money, will they stop it?
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Save your faux outrage for those that do this to HUMANS.
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We should ban them from football, athletics, finance, exporting and treat them like the social lepers they are.
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What is wrong with humanity?...
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that's one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. once maybe back in time this might of been an important chance for gathering food, this is no longer the case. stop
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God is crying.
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Words fail me, these people are barbaric and time they lived in the modern world, I bet many have household pets, would they like them to be murdered in the same way, the grinning man makes me sick, hope he can sleep at night
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Pagan ritual carried out by Pagans in the name of culture and tradition. Shame on them all.
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Mr Vitriolic
Britain should show the Faroe islanders that they can break with a hortible tradition, and stop eating Pork. I am sure the islanders will then see how wrong and terrible this custom is.
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ErictheimpalerReply toMr Vitriolic
Just pork? You've no problem with poultry, lamb or beef then?
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Zed one
Its just sad and they called themselves civilised people. where is the EU Regulations. Those whales contribute to the eco system of our ocean. This practice should stop.
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It is worse than the article makes out. Visiting the island I was informed proudly that every islander keeps an eye open for a pod. When a pod is sighted they rush out in their ribs surround the pod and drive them ashore for the slaughter. The pod do not enter the shallows on their own accord. It is disgusting.
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Just like other cultures, one example Japan and dolphins! they refuse to join the 21st century, there just brain dead!.
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Boycott Denmark until the Faroe Islands stop this unspeakable slaughter. Boycott all goods, holidays, petition cruise ships to stop calling at Danish ports and/ or refuse to get of ship at Danish ports. We CAN make this stop.
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Samuel Vimes
The look on the guy 's face in the first photo as he is covered in blood just says it all. For him at least, this is nothing to do with tradition, it is all about the bloodthirsty love of maiming innocent creatures.
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