Couple plague their neighbor with texts asking him to be silent EVERY time their baby has a nap - even when he's being quiet. So who's in the right?

Martha Cliff for MailOnline

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Kids should learn to sleep through noise. I always left a radio on for mine, so that noise never bothered them, There was noway I was going to tiptoe around the house every time they had a nap. Still left TV on, opened and closed doors normally etc etc
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I know how annoying the neighbours can be? Next door but one are true nightmare neighbours! Loud music from 7am in the morning and late at night! Complained to the landlord but, more interested in the rent money than the way the behaviour affects the neighbours! Selfish git!
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Tell them to get noise cancelling headphones for their baby or better yet tell me to eff off!!
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Marion Wormer
Where do you start with this? I know. Just don't live in flats if ALL of you can't live reasonably and respect each other's right to live peacefully in their home. All it takes is a bit of consideration, and allowing for the fact that no flat is utterly soundproof. Unfortunately the entitled, me, me, me society of today believe THEY have the right to do as they please, when they please, and woe betide anyone who crosses them! They initially cause the trouble, you try to complain (nicely and politely at first) they over-react because you've wronged THEM, then war breaks out. It's normally then a lose/lose situation, and gets much worse before it gets better.
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Just an FYI for those saying he has no right to play the drums in an apartment complex.. I recommend clicking the link for the original Imgur which has a little more info and pictures. It's an electric drum kit so unless it's plugged in to speakers, you really only hear a light tapping noise (probably similar to chopping vegetables actually). This guy wears headphones instead of using a speaker so the neighbors are not hearing much noise at all.
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I have a couple of saucepan lids I can send him.
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They're both wrong. He's a jerk for playing drums in an apartment where the walls are paper thin. The parents are ridiculous for making sure the environment is completely quiet for their baby's naps. It will make their lives easier in the long run if they get the baby used to living/napping with noise.
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I would tell them to p off and stop texting me haha.
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Turn it around on them and ask them to move their brat elsewhere because it's making too much noise. I can't stand these self involved parents who only care about what they want and need.
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wow. he's quite understanding... dude gets b_tched out for chopping vegetables? i mean, really?? babies take naps a lot, you can't demand your neighbors make NO noise every single time your child is asleep...that's not how the world works. you need to move.
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Difficult situation. I know how horrible it is with a noisy neighbour. He did try and cut back but it must have been really loud. I'd have made sure I moaned when the baby cried, maybe they could take her out for a walk and then think about what the word 'compromise' means.
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Turn it around on them and ask them to move their brat elsewhere because it's making too much noise. I can't stand these self involved parents who only care about what they want and need.
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Richard Normus
Some neighbors are just... All of my babies would go to sleep with the vacuum running. We would vacuum under the crib without issues. It sounds like he at least tried to accommodate them and they tried to take advantage of him.
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People need to realise that their brat means jack to anyone else
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Get ear plugs for your brat! There is no way my world would be forced to revolve around someone elses kid, bet he had to put up with it screaming at all hours and that will go on for years.
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Quite simple - make as much noise as you like on your own home provided the noise goes no further than the boundary of your property. Anybody who decides to keep and play a drum kit in a block of flats is clearly an utterly selfish individual. I play drums but I don't keep them at home as I live in a semi detatched house and am a decent human being.
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So many people think the world revolves around their kids. It doesn't so if you don't like his drumming then you move with your brat.
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I feel for this guy! Unless he is playing crazy hours of the night which it sounds like he wasn't, they family below was taking advantage. Especially when complaining about chopping veggies. Hope the family realizes that once their little one is old enough he/she will be a nuisance to whom ever is below them. Karma! While I live in a house, my husband has his own music studio in what is a finished attic above all the bedrooms.It took sometime but our baby now has no issue falling or staying asleep and when we gave birth it was encouraged to have the baby around noise so she'll fall asleep anywhere. Glad I took that advice.
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Judging by the look of the guys irratic hand written note...He is about to psychotic.....
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Why does he continue to accept texts from these jerks? If their baby is so fragile, maybe they need to look at living in a house. Can't afford it? Too bad. Drums would make me crazy, but it seems as if these folks just want the world on its knees because of the miracle of their kid. Time for THEM to move.
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