How to spot if society is DOOMED: Researchers reveal the signs that show civilization is set to collapse

Cheyenne Macdonald For

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I welcome the end of our civilisation. I hope I get to see it.
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proud amaricanReply toSJG210
Vote for Hillary and you definitely will see it
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MatthewsReply toSJG210
Australia hasn't quite made 'civilisation' level yet.
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Martin123Reply toSJG210
Trump will go towards total warfare.
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ThomasinaReply toSJG210
Why? So you can say "I told you so" as you scrabble in the dirt for something to eat?
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Lead Poisoning seems to be the common thread for all perished civilizations. Rome being the best example. Of course lions ate most of the Romans before they poisoned themselves with lead. But it was lead what finished the Romans (and thus the lions) off. History is so confounding cause it keeps repeating itself. Keeps repeating itself. Itself.
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Champion the Wonder Horse wrote a thesis opposing this theory, during a stay on the Bonanza ranch, back in the 1960s. His view was supported, by both the Lone Ranger and Tonto. The world didn't end in Gunsmoke.
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Vote CON-servative ?
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What a load of bs
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CynicalsidReply tonigelstinkfinder
It must be hard to comprehend ,read it a couple of times it might,might sink in.
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Just read the Bible...that tells you in the book of Revelation what is going to happen
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brianReply toSuze
Yes but as I have said before, people will believe anything, so long as it's not written in the Bible.
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Why, all of a sudden, have the doom-mongers come out to "play"? Make them shut up, please.
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Titus ArrecticussReply totake276
This is an article where people are 'allowed' to comment! You no doubt were a Remoaner! You tried to shut us up too, and didn't work eh?
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2Timothy 3:1-5...
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loverules111Reply toRoscopico
So true and these are signs of the times that we are living in and that the bible predicted throughout Revelations and God's words to mankind.
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loverules111Reply toRoscopico
So true and these are signs of the times that we are living in and that the bible predicted throughout Revelations and God's words to mankind.
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GlobalcitizenReply toRoscopico
Well, ISIS sure believes we live in the End Times - they consider themselves the Elite Warriors of it.
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Chelski sailors club
Where did they get the records from 9000 years ago DM because the earliest records are the bible which only goes back 6000 years so please enlighten us?
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JamesReply toChelski sailors club
What does the Bible have to do with anything. The old testament/Torah was written no more than 3000 years ago and Abraham, the father of Judaism was born no later than 4000 years ago.
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ShockleaderReply toChelski sailors club
There are earlier records than the bible (which only was started about 3000 years ago) but nevertheless, I get your point about records in a prehistoric society.
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AngelsSinReply toChelski sailors club
Brilliant! The Bible is the oldest 'documentation' known to human kind! I beg you, go have a day at The History Museum and educate yourself a little.
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StuReply toChelski sailors club
I think they mean archaeological records rather than written records.
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Chickster2015Reply toChelski sailors club
I will enlighten you - the 6000 years always quoted about the Bible are from an 18tC Bishop Ussher, who worked out the age of creation from geneologies in the Bible. To believe it merely because an Irish Bishop claimed it, without using logic to determine if it is correct is quite naive. He meant it as a footnote, not Holy Writ.
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StuReply toChelski sailors club
The oldest writings were made by the Sumerians on clay tablets in cunieform script in the Mesopotamian civilisation around 3,500BC. Nothing to do with the Bible.
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It's called Armageddon. Read your bibles, people.
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RoscopicoReply toJencol
Go Jencol..go Jencol!!!
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And people are paid to do this research??
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Jolly Rich
Reading this site?
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The steadily escalating pay gap will eventually cause our system to implode, that's for sure!
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Reasonable ManReply toStandupforit
Aided by increases in property prices disconnected with value or affordability
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Telegram samReply toStandupforit
Over populated areas with people of different cultures, that's where the fuse for a breakdown of all society is.
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I understood none of this
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Mr.rabbit499Reply toStarr_crossed
Just be rest assured that there are people out there who know exactly how to collapse a society.
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One is most certainly the worship of an unproven deity to the extent that the worshipper will die or kill for it.
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The 'Downfall of Society' began with the invention of Television!
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DeeBeeKernowReply tobobmirdiff
I don't entirely agree, although I know what you mean. Surely it is the way in which such innovations are used by people which is to blame, rather than the innovation itself. Same comment can be applied to t'interweb, etc.
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This is weak supposition based on very little information from thousands of years ago.
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Western men who do not want to or know how to fight vs a country that has many more men than women and therefore will go to war so they do not attack the leaders. They will offer their armies the right to women and all the booty they want if they fight and take over the rest of the world. Before that they will steal as many of the advances the others have made and build an army the size the world has never seen. They will pretend to be friendly but slowly start showing their intention by claiming or buying all the best assets. Another tribal cultural will start something similar in France. This per Nostradamus.
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VoiceOfTruthReply toaussieauld
China fits this bill. As do most other rogue states. We are doomed if it's true. Never kow tow to these wicked people and never deal with communists.
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It's pretty funny that the next story after this one is about the Duggars. Population control!!
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Happy chappieReply toHawaiiNoKaOi
only in the American pages.
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The pictures must be what early life in Dorset and life around old Old Sarum must have been like. Read 'Sarum' it's early pages by Edward Rutherfurd.
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