Double blow for ISIS as huge weapon haul is seized in Iraq and terror group loses ALL its territory on the Turkey-Syria border

Amie Gordon For Mailonline

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mort dog
I somehow get the feeling that D@esh are forewarned by the Turks that they are coming and they move out and let them in rather than the Kurds who both Turkey and Daesh regard as enemies.
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backamai cortina
Tick farquin tock boys..
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James Arcomb
So let me get this straight. Because I'm not believing what I just read. Obama pulls our troops out of Iraq WAY to early. Isis? takes root. Spreads terror throughout Europe. America is paralyzed. And TURKEY steps in to wipe them out? yeah, that's what I read.
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mrserratorReply toJames Arcomb
No idiot.Its American air strikes. What do you want? Send troops over there so they can hate us more. Vote Trump so he can start another costly war. SAMMY!!!
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Politics ....... those people should have been history last year.
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Patty Pat
Looks like Turkey is having more success in fighting ISIS than the most powerful nation in the world is having. Kinda makes you wonder if the most powerful nation in the world actually wants ISIS to go away, doesn't it?
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mort dogReply toPatty Pat
Turkey and D@esh working hand in hand to stop the Kurds kicking them out who is regarded as the enemy by both.
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This war is worth far too much money to arms-producing governments to be stopped.
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This is what happens when you let THEM sort out their own problems.
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M e o w
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Nic Crovaix
Isis is? No, it's not
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These are Syrian rebel factory made hell canon shells made from lpg canisters with explosive powder packed inside and stabilising fins welded to the tails, Syrian and Iraqi engineers are very good at using their initiative when it comes to working with what they have got and it's not only Isis using these hell canons these are all over Syria and Iraq used by fsa even the Syrian army rebels use them
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Ghost of GardenfieldReply toscorpiomind
Hell Canons !!! May the lord protect us all.
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How will the idiots wanting to join them get there now?
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Howard Snell
So I guess if the Turkish border is shut off from Isis European J-hadis won't be able to get to Syria.
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Mission Accomplished 2, right?
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Best in the west
Keep up the good work
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Mr. Facts
Good to hear, one step closer to partial peace in the Middle East.
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Nope, thought I saw one weapon of mass destruction, they just disappeared, whoosh.
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Just make sure they are all dead!
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Who the hell is selling these weapons to Isis in the 1st place?
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whubbaReply toMoorana
Chris Stevens was for Obama until he got stabbed in the back.
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Where are they getting the weapons from?
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Fighter16Reply toHappyTime
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Fabulous news!
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