Moscow warns Holland of ‘grave consequences’ after Russian aircraft carrier forces Dutch submarine to flee when it detects it following its fleet in the Mediterranean

Hannah Al-othman For Mailonline

国外网友评论 0人跟帖    10292人参与

Russians should sunk that submarine, they could pretend that they were exercising and drop few depth charges and said they did not know that submarine is there.
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FIBBLESReply tojoydividion
of course they should of sunk that submarine, then NATO would of sunk there fleet
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joydividionReply tojoydividion
yes. yes, for sure they would.
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Hollande really does try to punch above his station but nothing comes out as per .
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ILoveThePlodReply toMarko
They are talking about Holland the country, not Hollande the French president.
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Dumb dutch dont know Ukraine shot down MH17 with fighterjets. look and the evidence, bullet holes etc..
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In Dutch we trust.
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tencentsworthReply toButtercookies
No. They are tight with loo roll in their hotels.
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Jaytevs 1
Sink em and claim it wasn't us
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Seriously why do we build our own submarines? How could they ever compete if we are only ever going to have a handful? Doesn't it make sense to focus on surface ships which we are actually good at?
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This would have been part of a NATO assignment, NATO follows Russian ships all the time, just like they follow ours, this though is Putin picking on a NATO member and a forthright response is need in that he does not own the Med and most of his ships are old rust buckets from the Soviet era. We just need to tell him to off very loudly.
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Love the way you show the Russian aircraft as carrying those nasty Cluster bombs. I think you'll find aircraft are fitted with whatever bombs are needed at the time, not just Cluster bombs because they are bad boys weapons.
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It's the Netherlands not Holland. Of course it comes as no surprise to realise that the DM us still living in the 1950s.
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nellakamReply todoug45
It is both, depends which part of the world you live in.
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Was it a big fish ?
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It's the Netherlands not Holland. Of course it's no surprise to realise that the DM is still living in the 1950s.
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Sink it Mr Putin.
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He is playing games with NATO making the west spend a lot of money they cannot afford he is in a win win situation
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I think we should send Red jet and wightlink to intercept Russians ships
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Global Ambassador
Dutch crew were probably stoned and accidentally drifted off course.
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My Pointless Views
If both vessels were in International Waters, then what's the issue, eh Vlad ?
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8 red arrows! Smoked out a few gullible aspiring Rosenburgs!
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Nah..Baltic states first..Latvia by Christmas..
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Putin tilting at windmills?
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Do all cookers in Holland smell like farts?
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PigginadaReply toBritishDave
Only if Donald Trump is nearby?!
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