MailOnline: China launches its first ever self-built aircraft carrier


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johnny hates jazz
Hey it made in China. You know it will blowup the first time they use it
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congrats China, good achievement
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Englishjames0007Reply toTopkek.
They've got stealing down to a fine art, so they certainly deserve a good pat on the back.
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Insurgent57Reply toTopkek.
The entire economy is based on theft. They are a nation of thieves.
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Englishjames0007Reply toTopkek.
What's more, in what universe is a regime like China building up a bigger military, a good idea.
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If they'd built a 3-D printer big enough to spit that thing out I'd be impressed.
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What a copycat joke this piece of junk is. If you want the worlds worst build products, look to China.
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The comments about it breaking down make me smirk. You know, made in Japan used to mean junk too. China is copying, learning,advancing technology, and manufacturing better and better all the time
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PioneerReply toSlapmeat
China's the epicenter of bad quality, zero engineering, zero innovation, and zero talent. All China ever does steal, copy, counterfeit, mimic. This is why China will never be a technical or military leader ever.
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MariemeeReply toSlapmeat
China constantly steals our technology, idiot.
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Half the size of the US carriers, and about the same as Broon's UK carriers. The inly difference is that Chiina may actually have aircraft that can fly from theirs. We will have to wait another ten years for the new-build Harriers to be made.
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OnRappellReply toThe.gnostic
There are no Harriers coming your way, F-35s are the Harriers replacement.
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Nasty Nicola
If it's designed around the Soviet Kuznetsov class carrier have they also built a tugboat to tow it back to port?
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ChamraggingReply toNasty Nicola
Which in turn, was modeled off the British Invincible class aircraft carriers, previously known as through deck cruisers.
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Will probably fall to bits within few all Chinese goods
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Hope they got an extended warranty, as we know most things from china last about 12 months
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Like all other Walmart products, there is a 30 day money back guarantee if it doesn't work. Justkeep the receipt.
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PumpsredReply todearsheeple
and batteries not included
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As the article states, this is essentially a modification to the decommissioned Russian Liaoning. Same Cr&p, different rapper.
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The ski slope at the front was a British invention and design. Looks as though China has copied it.
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Somehow this looks a bit "off"...when they hacked into the Pentagon- they may have lost some things in translation-
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It already looks outdated and tiny.
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FeddupReply toHaarkonen
Quality, not quantity?
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Lily Jameson
Knowing China, I bet it's made of cheap and toxic materials.
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GetSomeReply toLily Jameson
Yep. Pretty much like every single stuff in your house
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Devoutly Deplorable
Take what China says with a grain of salt. It's a communist country. A lot of propaganda. The aircraft carrier is mirrored after the old one they bought from Ukraine. Basically already obsolete. The US would own them head to head. Not a chance for them.
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Underneath the outer skin it`s really a Junk with 50 blokes paddling like crazy.
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mother earth
The disturbing idea behind all these ships are to easily kill humans! What ba screwed up race we have turned into
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Voice of sanity
China build quality, expect to see it being towed back to dock under the cover of darkness when its engines fail.
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electraglideReply toVoice of sanity
assuming it still floats.
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I hope they bought a good warranty. They're going to need an exchange or a refund.
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