Inside Apple's top secret iPhone factory: Tech giant provides a glimpse of huge Chinese plant where 50,000 pink-jacketed staff are subjected to facial recognition, metal detectors and daily roll calls

Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline

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Having just returned from three week trip to China I was completely surprised to find that this prosperous, communist country is not a depressing conformist state. I found it to be happy, fairly liberal place that was non threatening, and open. That doesnt really fit with whats portrayed in the media though.
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LoveEnglandVoteUKIPReply toJoeyc
I doubt you went on a tour of factories in Shenzhen or Dong guan?
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LoveEnglandVoteUKIPReply toJoeyc
I doubt you went on a tour of factories in Shenzhen or Dong guan?
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So this is where they make the exploding and overpriced phones. Interesting.
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La Vie Rebublique
is this any more dehunmanising than an amazon warehouse in the UK? or France
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Don't feel smug people, this what the NWO have planned for you. Global Corporate Slaves. Most of you have not even realised how you are being entrapped. Many of you think the EU is a good thing. Many of you don't care. Generations to come will hate you for your self satisfied complacency.
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Welcome to TTIP, american globalisation. American companies are cra p to work for.
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Have you worked for Amazon? Trust me you don't want to, if you think that was bad, you haven't seen nothing yet.
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Brexiter 1
That's not work - that's modern day slavery. It's a far cry from the big bosses who parade around like happy humans its they 7 figure bonuses.
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Paul Thomas
Greedy Apple employs via 3rd party cheap labour and tries and avoid paying its proper taxes. I never buy there products
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DaveReply toPaul Thomas
And where do you think your Samsung/Sony/Htc cr@p comes from? Worse places than this! Pegatron makes phones and parts for most of the major smartphone companies...
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Isn't this the model they're working towards for the United States of Europe?
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SpokReply toALIA
The whole world I'm afraid.
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Looks like something from 1984 glad to say have never had an Apple whatsit and never will. Slavery!
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Of course Apple HAS to farm out all this production to keep those huge profits rolling in. High Tariffs please, any company this greedy needs to pay a price for it. These jobs should have been created for Americans by this very American company. No iPhone for me - just in principle.
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WazzupReply toRingwolde
Good Man. Top comment. I wont be purchasing an i-gnorant phone either
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on a roll
Modern day slavery
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It'll be like that here in 25 years. Lines of zombies lined up. I'm glad I'm old and have no children...
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Perplexed_Reply toRusty
We already have the mindless zombies as consumers, take a look in the street as they wander around with the faces buried in the phones that drones on the other side of the world built.
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yveReply toRusty
Perplexed ..the consumers can do as they wish, at the moment. Rusty is right. The dream of those who want a homogenised Europe.
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EmmaReply toRusty
Rusty, Your comment is so true. I am grateful for being the age I am, because I know when this country truly sinks, I won't be around to see it.I do worry for my daughter however.
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Welcome to cell block C...
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BARGETReply toLeviathan22
They should change their name to Apple Direct and move to Shirebrook in Derbyshire.
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The face of Slavery in 2016 but in a decade all the iphones will be made by robots
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WazzupReply tomahatmacoatmabag
And used by robots
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Samsung the futureReply tomahatmacoatmabag
You just hit the nail on the head...(^_-)
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Well done Apple. Whilst you owners and higher uppers sit in your nice houses with nice cars earning a fortune on £600 phones that cost less than £50 to make but employees you treat like crap. How can it be justified charging such inflated prices for something that cost so little to make?? World gov'ts should step in but are probably getting a cut so wont!
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samReply toCLee79
You forgot to mention that Apple does not pay tax abroad out of USA .
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GiuliaPReply toCLee79
Factories don't build themselves, all the employees have to be trained. Manual work is not easy. Setting up from scratch n a new country is very expensive. iPhone etc are cheaper now in relative terms than they were a few years ago. And what else would you buy, Samsung? No thank you.
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The factory is, in fact, so top secret, that even a useless rag like the Mail Online publishes 22 photos of it.
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Exploitation at its finest
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