United States to adopt bison as national mammal

Michael Walsh Reporter

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Let's do a survey --

How do you plan to celebrate National Bison Day?

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JimReply toSebastian

By not calling them buffaloes.

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GOOD!! Love what the stand for, Native Americans are smartest people!! They deserve this as the Eagle is also...

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Just Great

Is this some sort of Left Wing pay off for Ted Turner? Or does this mean no more Buffalo Burgers or Buffalo Wings?

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lazyeightReply toJust Great

Neither, actually.

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The Professor

Congress is debating it? Seems the more appropriate question is: What took so long? There isn't a land-dwelling North American mammal more quintessentially defining as the bison.

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I thought that Bison already was a national animal.

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Now all we have to do is unmake free range cattle the national mammal.

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Mark Steele

Bison are a good choice for National mammal for the land of the USA. For the politicians and congress it is somewhat of a tossup between the skunk and the raccoon. While one really stinks the other is a very good thief. which animal would you vote for?

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lazyeightReply toMark Steele

Neither. I like both species too much to consign them to such a fate.

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Glad that Congress saw fit not to name H. sapiens as the national mammal even though we out number the other species.

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Charlie Tuna

So as the national mammal, does that mean no more Bison burgers?

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Insurance Is Extortion!

This is a perfect example of why our congress is about a useless of a group as you can get. They exist solely to collect pay checks from tax payers.

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Kate Upton for National Mammal!

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PhilReply toOmni

yes call it Twin Peaks.

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Brian & Luann T

To celebrate this Historic moment, I'm going to barbecue up some bison ribs for dinner!

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CatherineReply toBrian & Luann T

Don't brag unless you are inviting us to eat.

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Bison are easier on the land and swim in circles when an area is flooded. I observed this first hand in Hawaii where 500 bison were raised on 280 acres w/supplemental feeding in winter.

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Good to see the pols have their priorities straight, nothing more pressing than a national mammal right now.

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PAPA Wilson

AND the symbol for the middle class, majority party

We are NOT extinct. heheh

elephants and donkeys my but

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It will become a Federal holiday and Congress will get a week off for National Bison Day like they do for President's Day.

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Ollie The Outlander

It's fairly common for royalty to be carried around.

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stupid government going to have a slaughter day too? One minute we have to kill so many now we worship them. They control the birth of to many, do it with humans can do it with these trade mark of the frontier animals.

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No TV image compares to seeing one up close and in person. Hearing them breath early in the morning at Yellowstone, steam coming out of their noses, as they walked across the road right in front of my car. My heart almost stopped. They were definitely in charge of the road. THIS congressional act, I approve of.

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Jean SCReply toliz

When I was preparing to drive out of the parking area after a short backpacking trip in Wind Cave National Park, 2 bull bison were grazing in a direction which would take them across my road - close. I decided to just wait for them to graze across the road. It gave me about 30 minutes of being able to watch them pretty close, with no danger.

When I was in my tent, I heard strange sounds on 3 side all night. I couldn't figure out what animal was making the sounds. In the morning, I saw that the sounds had been made by bison bulls. It was mating season. I had not been in any danger from them.

These weren't the only times I've been on the same side of the fence as bison. You have to learn how to behave around them, with respect above all.

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EckingtonWashDCReply toliz

@liz & Jean SC... I would love to experience Bison in person. :) I'm a city guy (Wash., DC). ;)

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lizReply toliz

You're allowed to leave the city! Nothing compares to a western vacation!! :)

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How very sad that the very existence of this incredible creature is subject to the fancy and whim of man.

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