United States to adopt bison as national mammal

Michael Walsh Reporter

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Walking Proud

It's about time. No mammal defines America like the Bison.

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Gee, Congress actually got something done!

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REALLY??? We have more pressing issues than this to work on.

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Congress once again proving it is absolutely useless. So this is the only issue on which Republicans found agreement with the Democrats? Republicans are going to lose the Senate and they will only narrowly hold onto the House. They have proven themselves absolutely useless. They won't even approve the Supreme Court Justice, Merrick Garland, that they complained President Obama should consider years ago. Now that President Obama has supported the conservative Garland Republicans no longer want him. Republicans have the emotional maturity of kindergardeners.

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B. HendersonReply tosd

Well a large percentage of Americans only seem to care about who Jay Z cheated on his wife with right now so look who Congress is supposedly working for. This country is all mixed up.

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Perfect, elevate a mammal that we drove to extinction. FYI, all the bison we see today were inbred with cattle in an effort to keep some semblance of the species around.

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D.C. is a funny place first you help wipe them out then you honor them just as with the indigenous people and every other minority

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