How tall is YOUR country? Men from the Netherlands top the table at just under 6ft while women from Guatemala stand at 4'10

Stephen Matthews For Mailonline

国外网友评论 0人跟帖    11949人参与

Trump is 5'4 but 6'3 in Little Marco's Cuban heels.
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The huge American basketball players alone would bring the average height of the country to more than six ft.
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Interesting. "Better nutrition" usually means hormone/additive/preservative laced junk food. Could it be that the Japanese diet is less full of this crap than the modern Chinese and Korean ? Yes, people in Guatemala and other Latin American countries are often small. And where do you think they are living, by their millions ? Et Voila ! "Americans" are getting shorter ! Oh, and you won't find any jockeys from the "tall" countries while, in the US jockeys are increasingly latinos.
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I'm not attracted to tall men. 5-9 is my ideal man's height. I'm 5-6. I have two daughters who are 5-6, one daughter who is 5-11, one son of 5-10 and one son who's 5-6. My ex was 5-8. They're all from the same union.
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Rightwing Nonsense.
How many of you Mail readers is short and tight with money, both unforgivable with all woman? It is all your own fault don't forget too. I am 6" 1' by the way and not tight with cash.
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Well l'm a little Englander and proud of it.
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Lol DM china south korea And Japan alwyse been shorter, everyone knows that.The readt all same.. Not news worthy ..
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185 here and my 15 year old son is already 180. We are considered "average" height.
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So much info and so boring. Why not just a top ten and that's it
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i am 5'2 and 7 stone, too damm short
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Mike in Surrey
In the case of some countries, increasing height can be put down to availability of viagra....
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Pharny Squeears
Tory COMIC .............Heightism
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Obviously in the name of equality, Dutchmen must mate with women from countries where they are shorter. This will enable them to pick berries etc. from higher branches.
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So size does matter! Is everything proportional to the increase in height I wonder. I hear that in certain countries there will be apartheight policies..if you are not above 6 ft you will have a hard time to get to the top shelve products in supermarkets.
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I'm not sure I believe this, I think it is just a tall storey. If it really is true then I'm a Dutchman.
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This is a blatant lie, tswanas are not taller then Namibians, I live in Gobabis close to Botswana, they laways come here, they are short.
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Latvia with what...under 2 million people if that? Funny survey.
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Yankee Nationalist
I'm just glad to see so many English units in the comments.
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PontyladReply toYankee Nationalist
Do you mean imperial units ?
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GeorgeReply toYankee Nationalist
English units? What a r*tard.
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Yankee NationalistReply toYankee Nationalist
It's called by many names: Imperial, U.S. Customary, and yes, English. I would appreciate if you kept them venom away until you know what you're talking about. At least have the courtesy to look things up before you make an ass of yourself.
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Chant Pagan
There's one in the eye for the creationists.
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CynicalsidReply toChant Pagan
If you can reach it.
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MM LouisReply toChant Pagan
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Chant PaganReply toChant Pagan
MM Louis, - Why? Because it demonstrates that humans are evolving.
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MM LouisReply toChant Pagan
So? Creationism states that life originated from divine intervention. It denies evolution as the process that created life and sticks to the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative. Now, does the fact that people today are taller than a couple of centuries ago, say anything at all about the ORIGIN of the species? I don't think so. So why would this in any way be "one in the eye" for creationists...?
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My dad was 6 foot, his sons averaged 5 foot 8"" tall but our sons are over 6 foot how does one account for that?
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Rowan45Reply tobordakar
They've put something in the water - or maybe in the food!
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