Pregnant Mother of Two Stabbed to Death, Husband Turns Himself in After Manhunt

Us Weekly

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This abuse is considered normal in Russia; looks like this violent thug decided to bring his culture into this country. We need to start blocking more European immigrants from this country. Trump, where are you?

One woman dies every hour in Russia as a victim of domestic abuse

By Nancy Houser Oct 28, 2013 in Crime

Moscow - Domestic abuse of women, including violent crimes of passion, are not considered crimes in Russia. And by the time police are called in, it is too late. About 14,000 women are killed every year, one every hour, by male partners or husbands who drink.

Considered one of the country's deepest, darkest secrets, domestic abuse and rape are subjects that few Russians talk about, even though statistics show that 600,000 Russian women are beaten and/or raped every year, according to a report by BBC, "The silent nightmare of domestic violence in Russia."

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antonioReply toWhitepowerless

Whiteboy. And we are not violent . Americans like doing massacres . Columbine . Sandy hook . . 100% American . Let's not be a hypocrite

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antonioReply toWhitepowerless

Whiteboy but I agree with you about the European immigration .

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eReply toWhitepowerless

Antonio ever hear the name STALIN? since my family escaped before he took complete power under the guise of "Progressiveness" violence is pretty much the norm in Russia, they have never gotten beyond the promised Socialist nirvana

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margaretReply toWhitepowerless

Excuse me Whitey but you have got to be joking. Domestic Abuse is universal and it appears that this poor women had no way out like so many others. People need to intervene when a loved one is in danger of a domestic violence situation. The signs are there and don't let them convince you one assault is all that will happen. Death is usually the end result if you don't get help for the victims. RIP poor lady and God Bless the poor children.

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antonioReply toWhitepowerless

Stalin the anti-Christ u mean .. Yes I know

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WhitepowerlessReply toWhitepowerless

Domestic abuse is universal but not accepted universally. In Russia it is accepted and practically cheered under Putin's rule. This is why Trump likes the guy.

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- A cheating whxre is involved


- A whxre threatened her man into submission. They threaten to leave them homeless going to prison due to child support and alimony (beer for the new boyfriend). Hubby loses it.


- An abusive woman playing victim. Many women, especially in abusive women shelters, love to verbally and physically abuse their men and taunt them, yet the men are usually the ones who end up in jail.

No, you are wrong. Nothing like this happened to me. I have volunteered at enough of non-profit orgs that deal with these women to know what's up. But you don't have to believe me. Walk into any police station and ask to talk with a senior officer. You will lose hope in humanity.

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Like I said...Reply toJcode

I am a woman, and I agree. I have seen too much to ever think that women are always the victim. I am not blaming the victim in this case - but 3 pregnancies in 4+ years, so young - sounds like a person who didn't care about the strain on her husband. She was 23. I wish women would choose more wisely, more often.

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clarencewReply toJcode

Are you a "nut". Killing is not end solution to anything. He had other charges and he could not listen to the law. Why did he place his hands on her in the first place. Men should be big enough to walk away from a issue they can not win, not turn to killing. Are you crazy!!!

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JcodeReply toJcode

@clarencew, "Are you a "nut"."


"Killing is not end solution to anything."

I totally agree.

"Why did he place his hands on her in the first place. "

How do you know she didn't place her hands or her kitchen knife on him first? Again, read my post.

"Men should be big enough to walk away from a issue they can not win, not turn to killing. "

Well some can't put up with abuse. But I agree they should never turn to killing another human being.

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Another immature male destroys a family.

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JoshReply toLee

Immature lol. Youre sick

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DodieReply toLee

Teenagers are immature they are not killers. Find another word.

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What nationality are these names? Russian?

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JoshReply toLuvdisney

Just white when in America

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ALFALFAReply toLuvdisney

Joshie Poo the RACIST BIGOT has spoken his HATRED again

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every day the news is filled with stories about women or girls assaulted, raped, or murdered by men, often men who are closest to them. we need to stop treating these cases as exceptions or anomalies and face the truth of it. once we do we'll actually begin to get serious about finding ways to change things.

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Trump says only the Muslims and Mexicans are violent and chooses to turn a blind eye to European immigrant crime and violence. Maybe because his own lame wife's country has a problem with this sort of abuse so he excuses it.

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This is heartbreaking. My mother and niece (brother's daughter) had an Order of Protection against my junkie brother.

He violated it.

In court, the judge didn't do anything. S

aid the 1st one is a freebie.

What is the point of getting an Order of Protection?

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ALFALFAReply toJulia

Yep, those Orders of Protection do NOTHING......

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Who do you really blame? This as#@%?e some how got into the home and there was a protective order on him, yet he was able to get close enough to the victim. Again, we have a situation where people who know that the law will not really punish them will just ignore the law and do what they want to. The lawmakers and liberals siding to much with people who commit crimes and get no punishment, again I state "they get a roof over their heads, 3 meals a day, visitors, who put money on their "book", tv, internet, access to telephones, able to get recreation and exercise and sometimes, access to drugs and even sex" and you want to call that punishment. This mother was pregnant, had 2 other children and this "SLIME" felt like he could kill her, even when the courts had ordered him to stay away. What are the lawmakers and liberals thinking. The ones who do the killing know, "they are not going to kill me and if I am sentenced to die, I can string it out for years in the court and my court appointed lawyer will get paid and I will enjoy my time in jail" and live out my time, until they give me parole. These people know the system better than the lawmakers. I can not understand this, only if the crime was done to them, will they think to raise up and do something. Please bring back the death penalty on people who openly kill someone and this violence will stop, people will think twice before they decide to kill someone, when they know they will also die behind it.

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TravisReply toclarencew

If he stabs the mother of his children to death do you actually believe the threat of a harsher sentence would cause him to think twice about it?

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One can only laugh at these comments. Who is to say he wasn't the victim and not the abuser. It is very hard for us to come forward an say we are being abused. You will laugh then call us gay. Well I am not gay, I was/am still a victim as she took the children away from me after she accused me of domestic violence. It has been since 2010 was the last time I seen both my children, before she did what she did. I still know were they are. Don't put it past me, I have thought about it several times. Why? All the cr#p she has done to me, with/without the family court system, the lies to the family court, and the family court believing them. With the family court system corrupt as they are, the only reason I did not act on my thoughts? Is my children need both of us. Whether right or wrong.

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Very sad to hear about this. What is wrong with people? Where is compassion and understanding? This country has been going downhill for a while with everyone doing what they want instead helping and putting your fellow man first. This country is becoming morally bankrupt.

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JoshReply topatw

Becoming morally bankrupt? Lol. It has been from its inception.

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Marsali Johnston

Previous calls about domestic assault and he'd been arrested for it. Poor woman should have taken those kids and gotten away from this man!

Yes, it's difficult, but it sounds like she had family that may have been able to help her.

Very sad.

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I'm at a loss for words as to how one person could do this to another. Why was he allowed back into the house? I feel sorry for the kids as they now have no parents. May this family find closure and peace in their lives.

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She wanted to enrich her children's lives... by staying in an abusive relationship??? Sad.

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What a tragedy So many people feel that they must make negative judgmental comments. I'd do this, I wouldn't have done that. The truth is that nobody knows what they would do until they are faced with a situation.

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When you lay down with dogs from Russia, you're guaranteed to get fleas.

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Did he find out the baby wasn't his? Either way, this definitely shouldn't have happened. If two people can't get along just take a break or walk away from the relationship.

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May she rest peacefully.

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He looks like his Neanderthal ancestors.

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It's a shame that a lot of women who are abused by their mates, continuously take that same person back, who has caused them so much pain. Prayers for her & her family. I hope her kids grow up together in a loving and happy home.

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If a guy has the capability to yell at you once, he has the capability to physically abuse you down the road. Stay away from that kind of guy asap. Been there done that. Smart ladies like me could avoid abuse from the very start without going through the drama of "i thought he'd change" rhetoric and a victim drama effect.

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