Pregnant Mother of Two Stabbed to Death, Husband Turns Himself in After Manhunt

Us Weekly

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It's a damn shame when domestic violence ends in death. Again, the process of a broken Judicial System.

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Rick LV

And just like that, a deranged lunatic orphans to cute young kids. Mom is dead and dad is going to prison for a very long time.

Such a tragedy, and a waste.

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SherriReply toRick LV

You forgot the baby inside her.

He. murdered two.

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Lovin My Wife

they both should have left but it's easy to " he should have just left". when he is looking at child support for 3 kids and alimony for 20 years. which people keep underestimating as cause for spousal abuse and murder on both sides. to tell someone "ill take everything, you wont see the kids, you will work just to pay child support and alimony while living out of a car is abuse and many times is taken as such or worse. we don't know the whole situation this guy was clearly messed up. and wonder how much of him knowing he will be the financial slave to someone he don't love anymore had to do with it.

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TerriReply toLovin My Wife

Where does it say that the victim of this abusive man was going to be a financial slave to the woman who married him and had his children?

You clearly have issues.

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Lovin My WifeReply toLovin My Wife

I was just assuming things like everyone else. but you r so right. it didn't need to be said because that's just what happened.

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how bad is society now, when the person who usually does it, is supposed to be the one who loves and protects. I got out of a bad marriage, he said he would take me down if it took his whole life. ruined the kids lives by turning them against me. I advise all youngsters not to make commitments...if someone loves you truly they will stay without a commitment.

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River Fortino

"Her greatest passion was being a mom and doing everything she could to enrich their lives."

Except, you know, leaving an abusive man that would have started pounding on the kids sooner or later, if he hadn't already. She allowed those kids to live in a violent home that escalated to the point of murder, that they no doubt witnesses. She let them live in a home where they learned that the value of a man is to de-value a woman.


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CassandraPReply toRiver Fortino

Way to blame the victim. I mean really, you must know the entire situation and be a perfect person despite years of abuse that you must have easily escaped and taught everyone how it should be done right?


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Ok I get it now. When assailant is white, blame the victim. When the assailant is black, attack the entire black group. You people are truly sick. Thank you Yahoo comments. Thank you life experiences. Lol disgusting wimpy sickos.

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WhoosaReply toJosh

RACIST. Life is too short to walk around with a chip on your shoulder. Get over it.

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ALFALFAReply toJosh

HEY, RACIST BIGOT, Joshie Poo, YOU are pretty tough using mommy's computer screen as a shield.....get a life and a JOB

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WhitepowerlessReply toJosh

Just gave Josh a thumbs up for being so honest.

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WhoosaReply toJosh

White guilt.

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Heather Ellis Judkins

My question is why did she keep getting pregnant by this man??? Why bring in more victims and increase stress levels, and trapping yourself and your children even further? Why did the family not intervene- what worry about the "shame" of divorce??? When a marriage is not working, having more children is the LAST thing you need.

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The biggest joke in all these stories is when they mention an order of protection. As if a piece of paper would've stopped this guy. It's the same as when you hear about all these workplace shootings, then on the outside of the building you see a plastic sign that shows a gun with the red circle with the line through it reading, "No Weapons Allowed". Yet there are no metal detectors.

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When will the police take these types of call seriously? This is horrible!

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EleanorReply tolbuggy65

Most police officers take the calls very seriously but really, there is only so much they can do legally. The victim has to be ready to leave, file and go through with the charges, and not to return to the abuser. Just in our one apartment building, I can not believe how many times the police have been here to our residents and sometimes they leave with 1 of the parties involved, sometimes no one leaves. As a neighbor, we can only do so much either and we have placed calls to the cops. My concern turns to the little children involved and what this is doing to them. My heart breaks when I see their sad eyes after the instances and I just ask if they are okay and do they need anything.

On the other hand, we have been cautioned not to go near where the incident is taking place nor should we identify ourselves as to having reported it.

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I'd really be ok with more "eye for an eye" type punishments, and less prison time. It would save BILLIONS of dollars.

Rapists get castrated.

Violent offenders get turned into paraplegics.

1st degree Murderers get killed.

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Jam OReply toJ

Sounds like you are proposing Sharia law to be implemented here in the US. Are you one of those Muslims Trump wants to keep out?

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Any woman involved with an abuser should, without the abusers knowledge, own a firearm.

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It sounds as if she was doing everything she could to protect herself and her kids.

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Another triumph for the heterosexuals. Do the Christians refuse to serve heterosexuals who kill their wives? Or do Christians just refuse to serve the gays?

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ALFALFAReply toHarvey

OR does Harvey Poo love fudge on a stick

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HarveyReply toHarvey

Or does alfie the hate-filled loser launch personal attacks because he can't rebut my point?

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ALFALFAReply toHarvey

YOU really like talking about butts huh

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HarveyReply toHarvey

Anyone can see what you like to talk about. Your irrational hatred and fear.

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Just toss the evil piece of fecal matter into a crematorium furnace and light him up! ALL Problems Solved!

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A white person just described this murderer as "immature". Immature. They would never say that about a black murderer lol. White people are completely nuts. Seriously. Read these comments then read the comments connected to an article about a criminal who happens to be black. The white criminal act can be 10 times more heinous but it will say nothing about the fact that whites always do this family murder routine.

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WhoosaReply toJosh

But you're the one who brought Race into the conversation. If you were white and the killer was black-you'd be called a RACIST. Which is what you are. RACIST!!!!

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ALFALFAReply toJosh

Joshie Poo, the RACIST BIGOT has spoken....just PROVING how idiotic he is

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JoshReply toJosh

Lol. Im racist. For pointing out the irrefutable truth about you pathetic maniacs. White males are 29% of population yet comprise 77% of suicides. Guys stop denying that you feel a sick need to attack black people and minimize white. And then whats up with all this narcissistic projection of calling people racist when its actually you who are racist lol. Really sick.

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WhoosaReply toJosh

Well, do you feel better now that you've used all of the "big" words you know? RACIST.

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JuicePlusJReply toJosh

I agree with you Josh if this was a black couple these comments would be totally different and yet you have white people calling you a racist..LOl...What a jioke

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Not sure why she continued to have children with this monster.

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HappyReply toPl

This was my thought. Especially if you love children. I would be fearful for their safety

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ejReply toPl

Happy, not only for their safety but for their mental health too. No child ever needs to see, or hear, one parent beating on another. What a nightmare for these children. My heart aches for them.

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Tamra ByerlyReply toPl

She was probably terrified of walking away and, most likely, didn't have the means. So what's she going to do? Just stop having sex with her husband? People really need to educate themselves. There's no excuse for ignorance in this day and age.

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nataliajReply toPl rape? That's why women need to have jobs, so they don't depend on men forever. Men that don't want their wives to work are controlling manipulators. The victims are kids, and another one that was about to be brought into this world.

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lorelleReply toPl

Maybe this pig RAPED her? yeah, raped. controlling men do that. It's about POWER. not sex.

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More Trump approved violence in a red state.

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mReply toWhitepowerless

You are just as stupid as your comment. Are you a muslim or an illegal, then your butthurt.

TRUMP 2016.

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WhitepowerlessReply toWhitepowerless

Trump says this is a Muslim problem or Mexican problem but look, this violent thug is white/euro. Lol!!!

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Bigg S

The thugs in whatever prison he goes to will handle him the right way.

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Ahhhh...the beauty and stability of the heterosexual couple. He must have been a wonderful parent. Now maybe the children can be adopted by a loving gay couple.

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she should've left and filed for devorce with that kind of abuse history. look where all the excuses to go back to these cowards has led woman to. this woman is dead and the children have to grow up without parent. and the unborn child didn't have a chance. pathetic

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