Review: Hell is hot, multiplayer's not in gloriously gory ‘Doom’

Daniel Howley Technology Reporter

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Ryan M

Doom on PC, what a game

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Anthony Lopez

Honestly it looks like a Redbox game. I wasted my money on Doom 3 which didn't have the replay value to it that others did. And with a quick solo play a 2 night redbox will save 54$ off the cover price.

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people that never played the game from the early days won't understand this at all

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Everything is too dark,a waste ,you have to engage several times to find out just what is happening and usually,you don't have enough firepower,not the greatest.

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Pumped to check this out soon. Need to upgrade my video card!

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don't waste your money,,,the campaign is just wave after wave of mindless martian zombies..the cannot pretty the game up enough to save had such potential..then the kids got ahold of it.....epic fail..

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jbattelleReply totony

I am finding that it is a challenge if you play on Nightmare. Screw the MP, the campaign is where its at. Certainly better than the CoD of the world.

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DanielReply totony


The only epic fail is your mother spreading her legs. The game is awesome.

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Claus Von StauffenbergReply totony

Tony, the only epic failure is you and others like you always crying and crying.

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ShadowReply totony

I got the CE, the only regret I have is trying just 1 match of the pos MP.

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NickReply totony

Martian zombies???? Have you even played the game? You are fighting demonic presence on Mars...

Jerk off.

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SoultakerReply totony

Tony is either brain dead or has not played the game. I bet he looks at the map with bewilderment.

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tonyReply totony

jeeezz.for those haters..what a bunch of losers..u guys wouldn't know a good game if it bit u on the #$%$.

u go ahead and keep playing a game that when,,every new room u go to,,SPAWN,another wave of the same ole martian zombies/whatever that u will have to mow down,,,absolutely thoughtless just like the #$%$ that love it.....

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NickReply totony

Obviously you never played the original, that's fine, we get that Mario Cart is more your speed. But while you are fapping to your Simcity, know that Doom was a pioneer in the FPS genre, and this is a homage to it's heritage. If you don't like it, don't play it, tough guy.

Get on with your bad self with your childish gamer-tag of xXx's.

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SoultakerReply totony

Tony, try ultra violence difficulty. It will be challenging and may give you a different perspective.

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TowipoReply totony

The game is garbage. You REALLY think this game is anywhere near as good as Bioshock or Resistance!? You are either delusional or dumb.

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NickReply totony

Tow... so you are trying to compare Bioshock to Doom? Two completely different games because what? you couldn't afford it? Or were you too scared to play it?

I know, how about we compare Forza 5 to Beach Buggy Blitz. Or even better, Witcher 3 to Fable.

You're a child for thinking that anyone who disagrees with your insignificant opinion(s) is delusional or dumb. THAT'S irony.

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So all it takes for a hyped $60 game to get good reviews is to have a short rehashed singleplayer and #$%$ multiplayer. Sad.

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O Saint “Z”

Always thought the Doom video game franchise had to do with the movie Doom , staring Sting..?

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DrunkieReply toO Saint “Z”

that is dune you are thinking of

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O Saint “Z”Reply toO Saint “Z”

Yes, that's the movie! Thank you.

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slickwonReply toO Saint “Z”


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SherylAReply toO Saint “Z”

The movie Doom starred The Rock. It was a much funner movie than Dune. LOL.

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NickReply toO Saint “Z”


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DENNISReply toO Saint “Z”


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Come At Me Bro

I bought it and asked for a refund. Rinse repeat over and over again. Some may like mindless game play I prefer to use my brain at least a little a monkey would find this enjoyable.

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Claus Von StauffenbergReply toCome At Me Bro

Talking about a mindless game, your mom should of swallowed you instead.

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Any_MouseReply toCome At Me Bro

If you play games to think, you don't have enough to think about in your real life.

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Come At Me BroReply toCome At Me Bro

Point made Any_mouse and Claus von stuffhimberg, A little monkey. In this case angry little monkeys. Have fun playing a game we played 20 years ago and it was better then.

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TowipoReply toCome At Me Bro


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Jesus I hope and pray for the day multi-player becomes a thing of the past!!!

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a grown up

No wonder this country is circling the drain.

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KenReply toa grown up

It's just silly fun. We are human.

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Just got it for my Xbox. Campaign is awesome. Multiplayer is decent.

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awesome...hands down. I just wish Aubrey hodges was the music composer behind this game.

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this is a great game

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TowipoReply toAbhimanyu

No. It's below average. What is great about it? It's 20 years old in it's mindset.

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It sucks,not worth the price or half the price.

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Bill Ohney

Sounds pretty fun and I'm glad you don't need a flashlight. I get sick of games that are so dark to mask shoddy background detail.

Hopefully the pace isn't to frenetic.....

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More blood and guts for the brain dead and the lifeless.

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Interesting how the fun games are frequently the older games.

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When does it come out? Will it play on a PS3 ?

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It would be better if you could join the hell beings in torturing young teens.

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