Will greed doom us all? Stephen Hawking warns our current view of wealth could ultimately cause the human race to perish

Richard Gray for MailOnline

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I'm no genius but I'm telling you now the human race is doomed! I'm giving us another hundred years max
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Defend Free Speech
It's a good move for evolution if humans are wiped out by artificial intelligence. It seems like a positive step to me.
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"Such pressing issues will require us to collaborate, all of us, with a shared vision and cooperative endeavour to ensure that humanity can survive." Such wisdom from the cerebral scientist seems to ignore our genetic heritage. We are an aggressive species. We MUST have food, water, sex, shelter, individual space, protection from heat and cold, etc etc. These things are mandatory. We fight over these things. We have always gone to war over such human need. Hawking is asking for us to all get along by sharing what we produce equally to all even if others produce nothing. That is not in our natures. It is not in our DNA. Hawking is asking us to disassociate ourselves from our genetic makeup. Not even possible!! The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are a far more accurate predictor of man's place in this world. Doomsaying you reply? Yes, I suppose. While it may seem the Four Horsemen have failed to curtail excess the jury may still be out.
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Stephen Hawking is awesome - it is amazing the MND hasn't affected his brain and that he has lived for so long. Greed and wealth and superiority complexes seem to destroy every civilization in the end.
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If we switched to an intellect based society it would be curtains for the 1%. As it is there are just too many uninspired members of the human race for anything to change the head in trough system we have. I.e. We are living in human farms like cattle.
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For once I agree with this Genius! He is true...but asl always let humans get their aces more kicked & feel....but humans are becoming so shameless they will keep giggling but won't learn...let the circus keep going
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So he selfishly voted for his funding, knowing that the lack of equality in the EU was totally wrong! At least he is partially admitting that he was wrong.
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Overpopulation is the biggest problem - when you have millions of people trying to exist on massive municipal rubbish dumps across the world with no hope of a high quality of life then thank goodness I will never have children. Couple that with living in a filthy rat and seagull infested county like Cornwall then I'm right x 2. Factor in the horror of the Tory and Liebour parties then I'm actually right x 3!!!
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I am optimistic usually, however given the evidence, I truly believe we are going to self destruct - we have that power right now to obliterate our planet with as little as the touch of a human finger let alone wait for the development of AI. Even in developed countries, we all seek to live what we think are good lives based on morals and our history however we all have an inbuilt evil instinct within us that will click in if the time comes. If you dont believe me consider that tomorrow chaos prevails, all law and order breaks down, economies collapse and everyone drops into survival mode with someone trying to kill you for what food you have in your home - what would you do ? how would you survive ? - god help us this never happens but that time is never far away due to the greed driven individuals in this world.
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Get realReply tohugeh111
Only by the people who are desperate to get here and live off us without putting their fare share in the pot ... That includes our own who get absolutely every thing for nothing on the state.. The more you do the more you bloody may.. They are angry for what we have got by working and paying our way.. We are doomed..
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Nom de PlumeReply tohugeh111
Beyond Thunderdome, coming to a country near you....
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In a word - yes.
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All this disparity was caused by the West colonizing half the world.Capitalism and it's demand will be the downfall of the West.
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Wg Cdr MustardReply toPT07
And Pixies.
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Professor Hawking has my sincere admiration. Example: the greed of politicians overhere
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If he read his bible he'd know that the future of the human race is pretty limited as we know it here anyway
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He is absolutely correct on so many levels. There is no peace without justice. It is a simple fact the world over.
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So many comments from geniuses on here! Professor Hawking must be ***** ing himself.
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We are confusing technology advancement with advancement of science, and much worse as advancement of our human specie. It can not be further from the truth. We humans have potentials untapped and extremely underused by our current education and idolatry to technology alone. I agree wholeheartedly with what he says. I had the honor to have met him in person. He is the most easy, personal, and down to earth person I have ever met. When I met him he has such an empathy and ability to care and understand human beings, that he was more concerned in my not being nervous in front of him. He left me with an amazing impression of a complete human with not only the capacity for math, and physics but in understanding human nature. Very impressive. This guy uses his whole brain. Both hemisphere! It's not by chance he is known as the best Einstein of our times. A true human being, above all he is. Our education concentrated on what we call " math and science" and our greed is the biggest threat.
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Stephen Hawkins is so right, this insatiable desire for more and more money, obviously we all like to have enough to pay our bills day to day, but there is an element within the human race, that just simply want to have more than the rest of us. Money in our world is power, and that is what they also crave, and one gent comes to mind presently in the news. One thing money will never buy is good health, and until this intense urge to chase the buck at the expensive of kindness, integrity, decency and honor then the world indeed faces a terrible future. The pursuit of money will never replace a happy home life, good friends and peace of mind. That is what we should all crave for, and care when we can about our 'neighbour'
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Jacquie TReply toWarome
he is a multimillionaire. end of.
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Says the person who wanted us to stay in the boys club, no credibility on anything other than physics
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A strange conclusion, indeed. Most Brexit advocates seem pretty much of the same opinion - human numbers are what is dragging the Planet towards extinction; and we'd rather have another 200 years with limited numbers than 100 years of being packed like sardines before the roof collapses on the human race. Material issues have little to do with it. .
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Mustafa Leak
greed is already destroying the earth, rain forests burnt down, animals hunted to extinction, seas used as a dumping ground for anything and everything.
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