Trump's secret weapon to make friends with Beijing is revealed! Video of his grand-daughter Arabella perfectly reciting poetry in Mandarin goes viral in China

Dave Burke For Mailonline

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Geri Atric
Are you sure the little girl in the red dress and the girl standing with Ivanka Trump are the same child DM? Physical features look entirely different!
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CMcC says...
Hopefully, Trump's time in Washington won't be like a game of Chinese checkers - making a lot of moves, but winding up in the same position.
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Trump has suddenly shown up in a restaurant while children are fighting over transition according to reports.
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Look at the Trump drama going on now. We Brits have over sovereign Parliament and Sovereign Judiciary to protect us from Brexit and Brexiters but who is going to protect USA when there are republicans everywhere.
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Fa WilliamsReply toTitanium22
You'll be happy that Americans have the second amendment at that point.
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Mad Mike
I think Donald is really going to make this world a better place, so give him the chance to.
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We'll all be speaking Mandarin soon
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CamikaziReply toBaldSamson
I thought we would be speaking Russian? Would you conspiracy theorists make up your minds, I need to know what language to study!
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BaldSamsonReply toBaldSamson
Lighen up, Francis. It's a joke. You know, because Trump was bashing China throughout his campaign even though his ill-fitting clothing line is made there and... Oh, you know what, yeah you're right. Russian. Or Korean. Or whatever else you think people think because you heard thord hand on your face book page
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focus1Reply toBaldSamson
Love your comment Camikazi. And your sentiment...... :-)
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A world atlas would make a great Christmas for grandpa. China is a really big country and created the global warming hoax.
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Sweet peter
Ivanka for chief of staff. We need her.
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Donald Trump could be the Greatest American President since FDR; if he does all he said he would; the poor and desperate in the USA need a hero, the Cities need rebuilding; and Immigration must end; and lastly; the drug problems need an iron fist to end the epidemic destroying the USA from the Inside.....My other posts on this have been banned by the DM; so I omitted the hard facts..........But Clinton was no good for the USA; Trump Is; Time will prove this to be true........!!!!
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momofthreepixiesReply toblitz
I'm willing to give him a chance, but you can hardly compare him to FDR since he hasn't even been sworn in yet. I hope he does a great job but only time will tell.
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blitzReply toblitz
I did say ''Could Be'' but I see the problems deep inside the USA; and its very serious; more serious than the E,U which will crash on its own....My Regards to Ireland; the land of my grandfather.
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LLB UKReply toblitz
Regarding the sensor!ng the DM will not allow hard facts concerning Germany.
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Yes, because being friends with China and North Korea is what every conservative dreams about.
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Cryptic Mick
Trump has a multi national family. He will use it to his advantage. Hopefully they have the charm he appears to lack.
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Is she dense?
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jayveeReply tousername
Obviously not seeing as she can speak some Mandarin. Can you?
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Steve Hatton
she looked like she was busting for a pee !
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Fearless Gooner
Mini deplorable is so adorable
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Is she speaking Russian as well?
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conciergeReply toRambolina
NO, thats Hillary speaking the language of bribes.
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Lech Tizdayen
The little girl is saying : Mess with granddad and he will turn your sand into glass!
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You mean "Gyna".
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A patriot President! Lol, is there anyone in this family who represent an honorable American, is there anyone you can be proud, is there anyone you can trust, is there anyone who deserve to represent you!
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AmericanBelle1Reply toamnesty
As well as French and Czech.
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A traditional chinese dress.??The top seems to be a traditional qipao but we don't see many qipao with frumpy, barbie style polyesther mesh skirts in this neck of the woods.!
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