Now UK Christians are in a minority: Number of people who say they do not identify with any religion reaches almost half after doubling in the past three years

Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent For The Daily Mail

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Atheists and money loving naysayers might not like this statement, BUT, it is said in the bible, that love of MONEY and things of SATAN would be more popular than love of the one true God! How true that is!
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JeedeeReply toSparky123
You actually believe in satan how cute!
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ChalkwizardReply toSparky123
It also says in the Bible that unmarried mothers should be stoned to death and that beating slaves is perfectly acceptable. It's not really a book to live your life by.....
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Sparky123Reply toSparky123
JC also said.... 'let he that have not sinned cast the 1st stone' didn't he?
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Ron Jeremy SuperstarReply toSparky123
Jesus also says in Luke 14:26 ""If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple."
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QuidnuncReply toSparky123
Strange you say that - the greediest in this world are those with a religious bent. If you have seen the vast wasted wealth in the Vatican Museums, the grotesquely lavish lifestyles of the money grabbing televangelists, the intermarrying of cousins in certain quarters to keep family wealth within the same family, the sums spent on new places of worship, instead of providing health care, basic education, tools and training for life time of self sufficient endeavour, clean water and sustainable farming for food production in the poorest parts of the globe, is enough to make most atheist's blood boil. There certainly are people who are devout believers in some entity who do devote their lives to serving those less fortunate - in return for indulgences from their faith leaders to fast track them to heaven. Atheists who do likewise, are genuinely altruistic. They do not expect personal rewards in this life - or any other.
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CazzablancaReply toSparky123
Bible is fictional. A set of rules to keep everyone in check in the old days.
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the bible foresees this
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Ulfric Stormcloak2
The righteousness of All'ah is the only truth.
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fedupwaitingeighthrsReply toUlfric Stormcloak2
Is that self righteousness ?
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EricReply toUlfric Stormcloak2
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Old PeculiarReply toUlfric Stormcloak2
Oh yes! That's the religion that was invented six hundred years after Christianity.
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TomSacoldReply toUlfric Stormcloak2
In your opinion.
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Which is why Jesus asked if He would find faith on the earth when He returns. Luke 18:8.
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expat welshman
That's a complicated question. By upbringing and culture I consider myself to be an Anglican Christian, but here is the rub, I don't believe in God, go figure.
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The Church of England used to be a synonym for Englishness. Members of the Church of England held their Christianity in one hand and their Englishness in the other, and they prayed by putting their two hands together. So it comes as no surprise that with the fabric of the English (and British) society now disintegrating we are also witnessing the demise of the Anglican Church.
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"Christians " have killed more of their own than the Pagan Romans ever did of them...fact
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abbieReply toGenseric
Marxist /Atheists have killed twice as many as any religious crusade in half the time frame - Stalin, Pol Pot, Mau, to name a few
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GensericReply toGenseric
I think if the Crusaders had machine guns like Stalin it would have been a close run thing!
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DonnyReply toGenseric
Marxists are not the same as atheists! And I doubt many people have killed anyone else in the name of atheism (or not believing in something). Amazing how religious people are complete atheists about the thousands of other gods besides their own.
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You may not want to go to Church every week or even believe everything BUT there IS something out there with more power than us, call it God if you like. It is the lack of Christian values and morals which has all but finished this country. Now it is all self, self, self.Promote CHRISTIAN values not necessarily the guff that goes with it. The Church needs to modernise, people need something to believe in.
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Paul1962Reply toAlice
Believe in humanism, it's the only logical and cohesive way forward
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mike996Reply toAlice
Oh poor little Alice. Your all powerful god will rectify the problem.
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Force for goodReply toAlice
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Psalm 25 v10 "All the paths of the LORD are loving kindness and truth."We, the less than 50%ers are the happy ones with our hearts full of joy, the ones who read and understand the message of the gospel, the ones who care for others, who pick them up when they fall down, who pray for them when faced with adversity. What do the hard-hearted No religioners do?
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Itsmyopinion.Reply toMildres
I run a charity which supports over 30 thousand families of babies with milk allergy. My heart is very happy and I sleep safe in the knowledge that I'm really helping people, really making a difference to people's lives.
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Jacqui838Reply toMildres
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alhldGitReply toMildres
ha Ha
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Paul1962Reply toMildres
Humanist place human welfare and happiness at the centre of their decision making without believing in supernatural mythical entities which are divisive depending on your creed.
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MildresReply toMildres
20,000 mother and toddler groups run by Christians, supporting young families. How many run by humanists?
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robbiepatonReply toMildres
Mildres if you need a religion to make you do what the rest of us do without thinking, you need to take a good look at yourself dear
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Peter G.B
Theres a book called the 7stages of the soul might be worth a read no mater what your faith is. Now I was born in to the Christian faith in the late fifties. The reason not my parents were religious just they had five children so Sunday school peace and quiet for them . For a time I tried several faiths but finally settled in the spiritual being some strange experience I had . Now I truly believe in the after life and also when our soul passes over there will be no religion. When we pass we become loving energy at one with the universe. So to all I say if there is a God he lives in each and every one of you if not then you are soulless. If you believe there are things waiting for you then think again and open your minds to the truth. A quote from the course in miracles " Christ is within me and where Christ is so must God be. Because is not the Christ apart of him. Voritas vos liberabit Only the truth will set you free.
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FrancisWalsinghamReply toPeter G.B
Happy to be soul-less. That's another little superstitious fantasy cooked up by the God squad to reinforce the "better off dead if you accept your lot now" credo that has kept the masses under control for centuries.
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But take courage! I am so relieved that we still have the Church of England, her female, g.a.y and do gooder clergy, with their wishy washy sermons, their happy-clappy liturgies under the gallant leadership of Justin Welby, ready to defend British values and to take on the I'slam-istic and atheist onslaught... Oh dear, I must have dozed off again at the keyboard...
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......and yet they celebrated christmas each year, shameless people
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Totally Fed UpReply toNinestars
I think you will find Christians hijacked a Pagan festival. A festival at that time of year was celebrated a long time before Christianity ever came to these shores. The idea of the tree is Pagan, as are a lot of the other "Christmas" traditions. Same with a lot of the other Christian celebrations, they were deliberately set around Pagan celebrations to ease the introduction of Christianity. By the way I do define myself as Christian.
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MaxcReply toNinestars
Christmas or time of year, was a pagan festival celebrating shortest day of the year, was celebrated long before Christianity came along,so your slagging of people is ridiculous based on unfounded ignorance!
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What happened to my Jedi Knights specification in the Census. Did we win?
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Only the 'MONEY God' of fools seems to be popular in this godforsaken land nowadays! Amen to the money God!
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nanny over
It,s no use telling the truth on this subject, the DM will not post it. VOTE OUT, to get our country back so that we do not have to fed with people being offended by us.
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HendryReply tonanny over
@Nanny: whilst I agree with your political preferences wholeheartedly, I'm afraid Britain will not become any more Christian if we vote 'out'.
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Rudolf Hucker
Some good news then, this immature rubbish is dying out!
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Religion, like investments, is a gamble. If you pray and God listens, you win and rewarded with Heaven. If you pray and there is no God, you have wasted a large chunk of your time and money.
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Aaron Owrn SmithReply toMollayo
kind of true but using logic, which is the greater error?, to waist 75 years or spend eternity in hell?
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fedupwaitingeighthrsReply toMollayo
A waist of 75 will definitely find your god quicker than a waist of 35.
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manyatruewordReply toMollayo
Love that comment, fedup!
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MichaelReply toMollayo
That really isnt 'logic' Aaron Owrn Smith; its dietary advice if its anything.
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Wayne Reardon
Do not be disappointed that there are so few Christian's among us. When the world turns over and we are looking for a miracle out of nothing we have left, at least there will be some still among us to provide food, shelter, healing our sick and broken bodies. To pick us up from among the rubble and the ruin and even raise some of us from the dead. What is about to come upon earth will have all men crying for what has been lost to them from the earth, with no way to have it back. All that will remain for us will be miracles. Tell us then what you believe......Stop talking so proud and arrogant while your bellies are full......wait, and talk to us..... this time next year.
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clanlaurieReply toWayne Reardon
How did you smuggle this out of your secure unit?
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Someone Else2Reply toWayne Reardon
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God saves, you see I'm a Roman Catholic and its a Mortal Sin to end your Life quicker, Some may laugh but I will never be put on pathways and fluids and food stopped or my family will claim a fortune as not would they end my life in this world they could affect me in the next. So when you see a sign God Saves (its only talking about RCs)
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Joe1959Reply toJoe1959
Lot of red tics here but the fact is when you go into hospital by saying you are an RC you won't get treatment withdrawn' why do you think they ask your faith, If there is only one bed in intensive care and one in pathways, guess what one the Atheist is getting lol. I think the red ticks are just because I'm a catholic as you just can't help yourselves in the UK
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FifsReply toJoe1959
No it's probably because you've painted all religious people with the same brush. You've built up your own ideas about a group of people all who are probably very different to each other. It's like saying why are all women over emotional drama queens that just want to have babies?
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debpebReply toJoe1959
That's scary. I've never actually thought of it like that Joe1959.
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LilylooReply toJoe1959
The fact that we all would die quicker if we didn't use the modern medical care and intervention to keep us alive for longer completely tramples your ridiculous point of view.
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Mrs AngreeeReply toJoe1959
If god saves you wouldn't need to be admitted to hospital in the first place. He would look down on his believer and wave his magic wand - hey presto, job done, get on your knees and put some more money in the collection box.
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Frank the rabbitReply toJoe1959
But you being put on a pathway would not be you ending your life, it would be someone else doing it. Therefore no sin, for you, and so no special treatment required. Get over yourself.
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